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SOPHIA felt a bunch of different emotions when she woke up the next morning.

Sophia looked over at Zeke with a small smile on her face, everyone on the tribe in better spirits when they realized how much closer last night had brought them.

Sophia couldn't help but think about how supportive everyone on the tribe was. They didn't care about Zeke being transgender and wanted to get to know him for being himself. That made Sophia feel...good. Genuinely good.

She turned to Cody, who had a smile on his face as he laughed along with something Ozzy said seconds before. She was happy now that her tribe was getting along without a weight on anyone's shoulders.

This genuinely felt like a family.


"Come on in, guys!"

When Sophia walked in, she noticed a buffet on a table and her eyes widened, a brighter smile on her face than before. She looked over at Cody, hearing her heart pound out of her chest, "my heart is beating so fast. I'm so hungry."

"Sophia, even as you were walking up, you clearly noticed the merge feast, but even then you said that your heart was beating rapidly," Jeff spoke, interested in hearing what she had to say.

"Jeff, I cannot tell you how hungry I am. I know this makes me sound so greedy because I literally had pizza about three or four days ago, but you don't stay fed for long and I'm starving right now," Sophia explained, her stomach growling as she spoke.

"Ozzy, how important is food right now?"

"We're all incredibly hungry, and we're hyper-aware of the importance of that as well as what's under that blanket on the table next to you," Ozzy responded, nodding his head toward the table. Sophia looked at the small table covered in a blanket next to him, realizing she hadn't noticed it till now.

"Interesting," Jeff's smirk widened, "because that's about to come into play. Before we officially merge, you have one last decision to make as tribes. In order to enjoy this beautiful meal, one person from each tribe must volunteer to not take part." Sophia felt her stomach and heart drop at the same time when Jeff said that.

This was a cruel man and a cruel game. Did he enjoy watching people suffer?

She wanted to cry. She was about to cry over this food if she had to be bold and volunteer herself. She looked back at Cody, who hadn't eaten the majority of food the whole game. She shook her head at him, glaring daggers into his chest to tell him if he volunteered, he'd be dead.

Jeff spoke again, "if we don't have two volunteers—one from each tribe—the feast goes away and instead you will celebrate the merge with an individual cracker and a swig of iced tea," he said, uncovering the table next to him. Sophia was holding down her middle finger from flipping him off.

"I want to flip off the host, but I can't flip off the host. Can I flip off the host? I really want to. Can I please?" Sophia begged the production who laughed at her, shaking their heads playfully.

"Zeke, this decision is quite layered and complicated," said Jeff.

"You know, on one hand, I could give my allies a chance to eat if I'm willing to take that burden upon myself, but on the other hand I might need that fuel because anyone could come after me," Zeke stated, letting out a sigh as he ruffled his own hair.

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