Chapter 45

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Thanks for reading 😘


*Paola's POV*


I turned around to see Geoffrey after he screamed and scared Jennifer, our poor waitress, and I.

"What's wrong?" I asked him with furrowed eyebrows since I was concerned and grabbed his hand that was next to me.

"You can't just get enchiladas!" He exclaimed. I smiled and sighed heavily as I rolled my eyes. Really? He screamed because I ordered Mexican food?

I caught our waitress grinning and shaking her head.

I feel so bad for her she is going to have to see a weird costumer trying to fight his point.

Jennifer, who was in front of me, started laughing since she got scared when apparently Geoffrey was having a heart attack. "You can't make her eat Dominican food if she doesn't want to."

I smiled at her but it really wasn't that I didn't like Dominican food, in fact I had never tried it. I just wanted to stick to something familiar.

"She said she was going to try it." I turned my attention back to Geoffrey when I heard his sexy raspy voice and saw him pouting. "Right babe?"

My eyes widened and my lips parted but I closed my mouth again. I felt so many exciting feelings inside of my stomach. I wanted to scream, smile, laugh, cry, everything!

I giggled at the sight of him and his lips. His bottom lip was sticking out and his eyes were shinning.

"It's okay Jen. I can try the San-something thing Geoffrey said the other day." I smiled and heard our waitress giggling.

Geoffrey smirked and turn to see Jennifer. It looked like he was trying to let her know he had won. He is too cute.

"Okay so we will get two sancochos." Geoffrey said and put the menus down. Jennifer shook her head and mumbled something that I couldn't hear.

"I will get a sancocho as well." After Jennifer ordered we all asked for agua de Jamaica and returned the menus to our petite waitress.

"You will love it!" Geoffrey smiled and said excitedly.

"What if I don't?" I asked jokingly.

"That won't happen baby, I promise." His extraordinary smile made me feel extremely lucky to call him mine.

"I hope so porque sino I'm getting my enchiladas and you will have to eat two sancochos." I was only teasing him but next thing I knew he was looking around for our waitress.

"What are you doing?" Jennifer asked confused.

"Looking for our waitress so I can get Paola her enchiladas and I can eat two sancochos."

Jennifer and I bursted out laughing while Geoffrey just smiled, showing his wonderful deep dimples I totally love.

Our waitress came minutes later and I looked at Geoffrey waiting for him to ask for my enchiladas but of course he didn't.

He notice me staring and winked which made me smile.

I'm pretty sure my mouth is going to be sore tomorrow because I've been smiling a lot.

The rest of our lovely lunch was spent laughing at different things while we waited for our food. Jennifer and I shared some college experiences. She told me about all the classes she took and one or two parties she attended. I didn't want to let her know how many parties I went to. I knew they weren't a lot but I couldn't remember the exact number which was kind of bad.

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