Chapter 12

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*Paolas POV*

Did he just ask me a question? Does he really want to embarrass me?

Ok I should stop he only asked for my name I think I'm being too dramatic.

"My name is Paola."

I wasn't going to ask him his name because I mean I know it. Jorge keeps calling him Geoffrey or Royce. And I already knew his name was Geoffrey Royce Rojas.

"Well nice to meet you Paola. My name is Geoffrey but everybody calls me Royce. I don't really know if I like Geoffrey better but I'm fine with Royce. You can call me Geoffrey or Royce either is fine." He said smiling.

Umm ok? Cool. I know I'm probably sounding mean but I don't want to talk to this guy. I know he's planning on doing something.

"Oh okay."

"Yeah. Where are you from?"

Can he like stop. We are not friends.

"I'm from Ohio."

Ugh fine.

"Well I was born in Mexico but I've lived in Ohio most of my life." I have to be nice. It's fine if he embarrasses me.

I guess I deserve it for being mean to him. I guess he is not that bad.


I already knew what he was going to say.


Omg I can't believe I'm meeting
Enrique Iglesias, Pitbull, and PRINCE ROYCE!

My life!! I love them all but Royce! Uff he is perfect!

I don't consider myself his biggest fan but I know a lot about him! I have his first and only CD and I know all his songs!

This is the last time I'll fangirl because next year I'm going to college. I'm going to study communications.

I have to stop thinking he is perfect and all that because if I ever interview him I don't want it to be awkward if I tell him I used to love him.

******End of Flashback******

*Geoffreys POV*

Wow she finally asked me something!

I'm glad she did because I didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable. After all it was my fault our relationship didn't start good.

"Oh that's cool. I actually have a lot of Mexican friends. Maybe you can be one!" I said smiling.

I saw her looking at me with a 'are you ok face' that made me laugh and I saw her smile so yay I finally made her smile.

"Well I was born in New York and my parents are from the Dominican Republic so I'm Dominican."

*Paola's POV*

I already knew the answer. But still made it sound like I was surprised.

Maybe Royce is not that bad. I thought he was mean but no he is pretty chill and he wants to be friends. I don't know how.

I mean after I humiliated him it's kind of hard to believe.

That's what I'm liking about him. His personality and the fact that he doesn't hold grudges.

He was nice and funny. I bet he has a girlfriend though. Cute guys like him are usually in a relationship. They are hard to find.

I haven't heard about someone in his life so maybe he is single. I don't want to say hopefully though because it's not like something is going to happen between us. We barely know each other.

"That's cool and do you want me to call you Royce or Geoffrey?"

"Como quieras." He said smirking.

"Okay." I said nervously.

"I'll call you-"

I was about to tell him when Jorge came in.

"Ok guys sorry I had to talk to someone. But let's start this interview."

"Ok! Let's start!" Said Geoffrey all excited.

I'm usually happy but right now I was worried and still trying to process everything that was happening.

Geoffrey was nice and he wasn't going to embarrass me in front of Jorge.


"Ok let's start!" I said smiling.

*Third Person POV*

The interview went well. Paola wasn't that nervous and Geoffrey was a sweetheart.

Jennifer was done talking on the phone when they were about to start.

She saw how Geoffrey and Paola were looking at each other. She couldn't help but smile.

They were both laughing and smiling most of the time. He felt good talking to Paola. He liked how she was.

He answered all the questions except the one about Emeraude.

Paola didn't know who Emeraude was so when she asked this question she felt awkward, kind of surprised and sad.

Was Paola really feeling something for Geoffrey? But how if she hated him a couple of hours ago or at least that's what she thought.

Geoffrey wanted to explain but how if it was true. Emeraude was his girlfriend but no one knew only his family and friends.

He didn't understand why he wanted to explain to Paola who Emeraude was. Geoffrey wasn't feeling right.

He knew he was getting some type of feelings for Paola but that couldn't happen.

Even though his relationship with Eme wasn't the best right now, he had a girlfriend and he barely knew Paola.

After the interview was over Geoffrey and Paola got up. Jorge said he was going to tell someone to edit the interview and they were going to show it on ARV that day.

Geoffrey and Jennifer thanked Jorge and Paola. Jennifer had to talk to Jorge before she and Geoffrey left.

When Jennifer and Jorge started talking, Geoffrey talked to Paola again.

"So umm. I'm guessing you don't know anything about Miami."

"How do you know?"

"Well remember I saw you at the airport" Geoffrey giggled. "And if this is your first interview that means this is your first day working here. Also, you said you've lived in Ohio most of your life."

"Oh well yeah. You are smart." Paola smiled and Geoffrey started laughing.

"Yeah I get that a lot." He smirked. "I'm just kidding. But if you want to I can show you around."

Paola couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"Oh no you don't have to I'm fi-"

"No please just let me do it. After how I scared you at the airport, I really want to help you. I actually moved here some months ago. I would like to show you around. Enserio."

"Yeah well then sorry that I treated you bad. I feel so bad you are actually pretty nice."

"Don't worry. We all have a bad day when someone covers your eyes at the airport." Both started laughing.

They heard Jennifer and Jorge saying bye and thank you so Geoffrey finally asked.

"Ok well give me your number and I'll call you later."

Paola was surprised but excited. "Okay!"

They exchanged numbers and she said bye to Geoffrey.

"You mean hasta luego? Because this is not an adios." Geoffrey said smiling and Paola started giggling.

Finally Jennifer said bye to Paola and left with Geoffrey both smiling.

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