Chapter 37

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*Paola's POV*

"Be my girlfriend?"

No way. Did I hear him right?

I can't believe what he just asked. I don't want to start screaming...I don't even know what to do.

My face is basically burning and my jaw wide open.

"Geoffrey... I mean can we talk about it when I have clothes on?" I tried to turn around to hide my smile.

"It's just a simple yes or no question. Paola come on" he turned me back around so I could be facing him again.

I could feel Geoffrey was impatiently waiting for me to give him an answer. I don't even know what to say.

"We barely know each other." I could see that hurt him but it's true.

"Yeah that's exactly why we are going to date so we can start going out more"

Geoffrey is just fooling himself, he knows how the media is. This is not going to work I can feel it.

"Please? Can we just try? I know you like me. We can work something out." He smiled and his amazing dimples showed.

I know I should probably think about it more but I guess he is right. I do like him.


"Okay what?" He smirked.

I was staring at him. He knows my answer I'm not repeating what I said.

"So yes?"

"What do you think?"

His lips perfectly went up and I could see the smile I die for.

"So..." He started walking closer. "It's okay if I-"

With that I could feel his hand lifting my chin for that sweet kiss I've been waiting for.

*Geoffrey's POV*

I know Paola is scared but she should know that I would never hurt her. I'll keep her safe always. I'll protect and take care of my girlfriend.

I could feel she was shaking so I pulled her close to me to keep her warm as our lips connected even more.

Her arms were around my neck and my hands were holding her tight by the waist. I lightly bit her bottom lip which caused her to moan.



"I have to change." She said and started pulling away from me but I didn't want to break the kiss. I want to keep her close to me.

"I'm serious." She started laughing into the kiss making me smile.

"Ugh fine." I gave her a small kiss on the lips before I walked out.

I walked into the kitchen and started thinking that maybe I could cook something for her.

She cooked that wonderful meal for me last time maybe I can come up with something?

I opened the fridge and another plate fell. Perfect.

"You keep destroying my kitchen" I heard her chuckle and I started laughing.

I turned around to see her standing behind me with her white tank top and sweatpants on. She doesn't even have to try, she's beautiful.

I walked to her and wrapped my arms around her.

"I wanted to make you something." I smiled and gently kissed her cheek.

"Make me something? More like destroying my apartment and probably burn it." She smiled and pulled away.

"Hey where do you think you are going?" I grabbed her elbow and pulled her close to me again.

"If you are hungry, I can make you something." She said standing in front of me. She is shorter than I am but she is still perfect.

"No it's ok I wanted to make something for you but I see that you don't want anything."

"Yeah I don't really want to get food poisoning. Not today but thanks"

I started laughing so hard with her. I grabbed her hand and intertwined our fingers.

"Then let's go to bed before I break another-"

"Wait what? Is this the second plate you break?"

"Umm no."


Before she could yell at me, I started running to her room and jumped on her bed.

I pulled the covers and saw her coming in her room.

*Paola's POV*

I wasn't really mad that he broke two plates. I was just messing around with him.

I saw him run to my room and it was the sweetest view ever. He looked like a little kid trying to hide from their parents when he knew he did something wrong.

When I practically heard him on my bed, I started walking to my room.

"What are you doing?" I asked the sexy guy that was laying on my bed with my covers on top of him.

I'm probably going to be able to smell his cologne all night. I really can't wait, it might sound weird, but I love his smell.

He looked at me then back to the bed. Does that mean he wants to sleep together?

"Hurry up I'm tired!" He finally spoke and gave me a seductive smirk.

First day and we are already going to sleep together. I would be lying if I said I wasn't excited.

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