Chapter 34

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*Paola's POV*

I do want to talk to him but that's not going to make anything better. In fact he is just going to keep confusing me.

I'm afraid my feelings kept growing even if we stopped talking for a week.

He said he was going to be in my apartment at 12. The awards are over at 10 and I think I have to stay for the after party so I guess I'm not talking to him.

*Geoffrey's POV*

Like always the show was amazing. Performing in front of so many talented artists and receiving so many nominations is truly a blessing.

I had an amazing sit and even though these awards are not my favorite I was content. I still remember what they did to me last year but I'm happy it was just a misunderanding or at least that's how I think about it now.

I won 8 awards and I really can't be anymore thankful. I love my fans and I hope they know that. I don't say I love someone when I don't mean it.


After the ceremony was done, they were going to have a party.

I told Hector I had to leave soon. I looked at my phone's bright screen and saw the time. 10:51.

"You should stay for the after party."

"No man I have things to do but you can stay I think Jenni is with Wisin and Yandel somewhere."

"Where are you going to go?"

Hector gave me a small smirk as if he knew I was going to meet with someone.

"I just...don't want to stay" I wasn't completely lying I didn't want to stay when I know I have to talk to Paola. What if she is already waiting for me?

"Ok if you say so." I could hear him chuckle.

I was about to leave when I saw my car coming. Sparky was already inside and I was going to tell him he could stay too.

When I was about to open the door, I spotted Paola and Anita walking to the after party.

"Umm Hector I think I'm going to stay" I told Hector as my gaze kept following Paola.

"You're weird man." I could hear Hector chuckle.

Was she really going to ditch me? She wasn't even going to tell me. So I was going to be waiting outside of her apartment like an idiot?

Hector and I started walking inside of the venue where the after party was going to be held.

"Take a drink Royce"

I turned around and saw Hector giving me some kind of alcoholic beverage. I took it immediately and drank it.

My throat felt heavy with the strong liquid entering my body. I was looking for Paola but I couldn't see her anywhere.

I was mad. I know she doesn't want to talk to me but she has to listen to me. I'm done playing games if she wants me to tell her that I want to get to know her more or that I want to be with her I will.

*Paola's POV*

"So you have to leave before 12?"

I was telling Anita if she could record the after party. We are only allowed to record part of it but I had to leave at 12 and that's when they will let us record.

I know I'm ditching my job but I guess I really want to talk to Geoffrey. I want to get this over with.

"Okay? I'll record it if you want but you better come at 9 tomorrow so you can edit everything."

"Oh my god yes I will I promise I'll be there early! Thank you so much Anita!" I was so excited I hugged her and she hugged me back.

When we separated from our embrace, I heard someone call my name behind me.

"Why is Prince Royce approaching us?" I turned around scared and of course Geoffrey was coming.

"Wait he knows you? He said your name!" If I didn't know we had to be professional around famous people, I could bet Anita was going to start screaming and fangirling.

But why was he here? I thought he said he was going to meet me at my apartment at 12.

I guess he was lying again.

*Geoffrey's POV*

When I finally found Paola, she was hugging someone.

I couldn't see who she was hugging but I could feel I was getting a little bit irritated. Why would I even care? We are only friends.

I think the alcohol I consumed gave me some kind of strength because I ended up yelling her name.

Hector turned around as I started walking to her and he started following me.

"Mate I think you drank too much and too fast who do you want to talk to? why are you jogging?"

I didn't stop to answer Hectors' questions. I kept walking fast. I needed an explanation from her. I wanted to know she wasn't going to ditch me. I wanted to know that she came here just to tell her friend something.

As I was approaching her, I could see who she was hugging. I know Anita and she is a nice girl I'm glad they are friends.

Part of me wanted to tell Paola Anita was Emeraude's best friend but why would that matter now. They don't even talk anymore.

"Hi Geoffrey umm I...I came to-"

"To what?" I cut her out angrily. Why was she stuttering? That means she was going to make me wait for her all night but found me here. "Well are you going to tell me or are you thinking about another lie? Do you need more time? Another week maybe?"

She looked hurt and maybe angry too but she was the one playing games with me. I told her I needed to talk to her.

"She came to ask me if I could record the party for her. She has to do something tonight or meet with someone" I saw Anita slightly pushing Paola with her hips.

I started regretting how I practically yelled at Paola in front of her friend. I should of waited for her to give me some sort of explanation. Now she hates me even more. Great.

Paola started blushing and walked to the exit without saying another word.

"Wait did I say something wrong?!"
Anita yelled and Paola turned around. "No you didn't I just-have to go thanks for recording the party see you tomorrow."

That was my cue to know I had to follow her and talk to her. Maybe even apologize? She wasn't going to ditch me and what I told her made me seem like an asshole.

"How are you Royce?" I was looking at Paola leave that I had forgotten Anita was in front of me. I turned around and saw Anita giving me a bright smile.
"I'm good but I have to go I'll talk to you later!" I said as I sprinted to the exit.

I heard Hector yell my name but I couldn't stop. I will text him when I'm done talking to Paola. Maybe she is not even going to give me the opportunity to do it after what I did.


Remember that Geoffrey doesn't know the reason why Eme is not friends with Anita anymore.

Thanks for reading and for all your comments! :)

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