Chapter 27

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*Geoffrey's POV*

I helped her get in the car and then I got in. I started driving to Area 31. She still doesn't know where we are going.

"How was your day?" I asked her so I could break the silence that was in the car.

"Amazing! I'm gonna to have to start doing more than just interviews but that's fine. How was yours?"

"It was good you know naps, video games, food. That's life." I said with a smirk.

"Awh that is life! What did you eat? Thanks for inviting me." Paola said pouting.

"Pizza! It's your fault! You were working!" We stared laughing. I know it's not her fault but I like to tease her.

"But next time for sure baby." I said winking.

*Paola's POV*

He called me beautiful, preciosa, and now baby...

I'm so nervous and I don't even know why. The worst thing is that I keep blushing and I guess you can really tell.

"Oh so now it's my fault because I'm working?"

"Sure it is." Geoffrey said playing.
While he was driving, we were listening to the Beatles.

"Why the Beatles?" I asked. I don't really know a lot of their songs but I think Geoffrey does.

"Why not?"


I turned around and I could see him chuckling.

"Well because I like them don't you?"

"Umm yeah I guess. I just wanted to ask why we were listening to them but gosh okay." I said laughing.

"Here" he said giving me his phone. "Busca lo que quieras escuchar."

"No Geoffrey I'm fine I like the Beatles." I said giving him his phone back.

"It's fine though really. Cambiale."

"Hmm okay." I said grabbing his phone.

I was looking thru his music. He had a lot of good songs I couldn't just pick one.

"Quieres bachata?"

"La quieres tu?"

"Oh my god stop." I said whining.

"Bachata o que."


I put La Boda by Aventura.

"That's a throwback. I love this song."

He said while turning the volume up.
I love this song too. Actually all Aventura songs!


I was about to say something and agree when a text message appeared.

"Hey Royce do you think we can talk now? Are you really sure you want to break up like this? I'm here in Miami...(Tap here to read more)"

"You what?" Geoffrey said when he was turning to Biscayne Blvd.

"Oh umm I'm sorry for reading but your girlfriend..." I stopped but really why do I even care? I barely know this guy I shouldn't be sad. "Texted you."

*Geoffrey's POV*

Eme? Why did she text me? She hung up. I thought it was clear our relationship was over.

"You mean ex girlfriend?" I said not turning around to see her. I was driving that was my excuse. I just didn't want to see Paola feel bad.

"What?" She said as I made a turn and we finally got to the restaurant.

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