Chapter 1

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Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading. It'll get so much better I promise!

"Eres tu, con la que quiero estar el resto de mi vida."

The pain. That pain you feel when you hurt yourself unintentionally or when some part of your body is hurting is nothing compare to this.

So many extraordinary promises, unforgettable moments, and that astonishing love I once felt is gone. I don't even know if I'm alive right now.

He broke me and even though I told him to never hurt me, he still did. He took my heart and didn't even bother to return half.

He broke me and after all we went thru what I saw, I could not forgive.

He told me he was mine. He told me he would never hurt me. He told me he loved me.

My only mistake was I believed him. I showed him everyday how much I loved him for only one thing, to break me.


Intro 1

I am 22 years old and I work for Telemundo.

I came to the U.S with my sister, brother, and mom.

I remember how I used to wake up and be all excited to go to school in Mexico. It was so fun and I had a lot of friends! I seriously loved it.

My mom and dad worked downtown. Also during that time my dad was going to college.

My mom got pregnant of me when she was 19. She was in college studying to become a nurse but had to stop going.
Since my mom and dad would work every weekend, they would take us with my grandma Marina.

My dad's mom-Marina- loved us! Marina didn't really like my mom though.

She didn't like my mom since she had dark skin and brown eyes. My grandma and dad had light skin and blue/green eyes.

She would buy us everything we wanted. She lived in her pretty apartment my dad bought.
I thought my life was perfect but things started getting out of control.
My dad would always get drunk.

Sometimes he would ask my mom for money when my mom didn't even have any to buy us food and pay the rent.
That's when my mom told her mom, my grandma Adela who lived in Ohio, about all this situation.

After that my grandma told us we had to come to the U.S. My first day of school wasn't that bad I guess since most of the kids were Hispanic but some girls weren't really nice.

Specially Maria. The teacher told her to help me but of course she didn't. I tried to learn by myself and not ask anybody for help since most of them were rude.

When I went to middle school, I found some really nice friends. But that was only for a year because when I was in 7th grade, my mom and her new boyfriend bought a house.

So I moved and in my new middle school most of the kids were white and that was really different. It was hard but I didn't care I got used to it. I didn't get bullied but they were kind of racist.

I always tried to smile and ignore that's how I was. When I went to high school, it was totally different than middle school. I tried to always have a smile on my face even though my life wasn't the best. When I was a freshman I had a big crush on someone. I never really talked to him but he was so special I don't even know why.

When I was a sophomore my mom and her boyfriend broke up because he cheated on her. My mom was now alone and she had to work really hard to feed us and buy a house. She did it though.

It was sad how we couldn't find happiness like really we just couldn't. But you gotta live with what you have.
My sister and I had really good grades and we wanted to go to college. When I graduated high school, I went to college.

It was more fun than high school but still I didn't party a lot. I did find a special someone my last year in college though. He was so nice and sweet! But I still didn't feel what I felt when I saw my high school crush.

I felt bad because I had to break up with him since I had to move to Miami, for my new job in Telemundo after I graduate college in some months, and because I really don't like him.

He would get mad since we never really had sex. So I guess that's why he cheated on me with that girl I didn't like in elementary school, Maria. I really didn't care though.

I'm going to miss my family and friends but my sister said after she graduates she is going to come live with me.

One of my goals is to buy my mom a house in Miami and to take her to France. I'm going to keep working hard to accomplish those goals since graduating college is done! My family is very special to me and I know I'm really going to miss them.

I'm going to live by myself in Miami! Finally my dream, my goal since I was in high school is going to come true.
I'm so happy to think that hard work pays off! So many people told me I wasn't going to make it but I did! Now I hope that Miami is what I'm expecting. A fun, peaceful, happy place to start a new wonderful life doing what I want.


Paola's story! Now Geoffrey's...
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