Chapter 5

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*Geoffreys POV*

Wait did she just tell me to keep working hard? Wtf? Who does she think she is? She doesn't even know how hard I've been working.

And wait did she give me permission to leave? She said "you can leave now."

What the heck? She was the one waisting my time with her stupid question and not knowing who I was.
But bullshit she knows who I am. She just didn't want to admit it.

No one wanted to put a hand on her it was an accident! It's not like she is super pretty and I'm about to die because I'm never going to have her.

I'm praying that I will never have to see her again! I can't believe what just happened.

I'm so glad she left because I was really about to forget that I was a gentleman. I couldn't even think about something to tell his bi-

No Geoffrey come down. You are not like this. She made you mad that's all but you can't act like an asshole.

Let me take a deep breath and-


I heard someone say. I turned around and sure it was Jennifer. Finally!

"Oh well hey thanks for taking the time to come pick me up."

Jennifer looked at me weird. "Umm are you ok? Geoffrey?"

Ok I need to stop thinking about that girl.

"Yeah I'm sorry Jen I was looking for you can we leave now."

"Yeah sure I was looking for you and I couldn't find you- but wait what happened? What are you doing here looking for a cab? Are you mad?"

I didnt want to talk about it. "Oh nothing I just was looking for you and yeah I'll tell you later maybe."

"Hmm ok well let's go. We are going to be late if we don't hurry come on."

We left the airport to go to Univision and hopefully I leave that memory of that girl in the airport. I've never in my life hated someone 10 secs after we met.


Geoffrey if you didn't care about her you wouldn't be thinking about her...

Keep reading thanks for the support 😘

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