Chapter 28

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*Paola's POV*

As much as I don't want to make things awkward and uncomfortable I have to.

"So are you going to tell me something about Eme?"

Geoffrey thought about it for a minute.
"What do you want to know?" He said as he leaned closer to the table

I really want to know but I don't want to make him feel bad. I'm going to understand if he doesn't want me to know.

"Well I don't know she texted you and I... I read it sorry." I put my head down.

He touched my chin and picked my head up. He was looking at my lips.
I was looking at his lips too. They were so big it looked like they were swollen. I wonder if bitting... Wait what am I thinking?

I moved a little at the thought and finally we stopped and we looked at each others eyes. I love to see his eyes they are perfect. He is perfect.
I love to see him this close to me.

"It's ok, don't apologize beautiful." He said as he removed his hand from my chin. "I was going to tell you another day but if you want to know now, we broke up."

"Oh...Are you going to reply to her text?"

"I don't know should I?"

*Geoffrey's POV*

I was teasing Paola but I think she took it seriously.

"If you want to I mean if you really like her you should maybe you guys can work things out."

"You want me to go back with her?" I said drinking my champagne.

"I can't tell you what to do it's your life. You know what's best for you."

I smiled. I know she is jealous I can feel it. This is the girl I want to keep spending time with.

"Your appetizers." Said our waitress as she put on the table our mozzarella sticks and the frog legs.

"Thanks." Paola said with a weak smile. She was staring at the frog legs.

She is so cute she is trying so hard not to throw up. I chuckle a little at the thought.

I don't know why I asked for frog legs. I think because my sister's boyfriend told me they were good and I kind of wanted to try them.

"You want some?"

"No thanks." She said with an 'are you serious' face. She looked away and grabbed a mozzarella stick.

I couldn't take her face it was so funny. I was staring at her and she saw me.



She starting giggling. "Why are you starting at me then?"

"Because I like the view."

*Paola's POV*

I didn't see that coming so now I'm looking away and blushing like an idiot. But I mean that's nothing new.

"I mean I like to see your face and how you are looking at my food. Oh and behind you I can see the beach. It's such a beautiful view."

"Oh." I smiled and tried to swallow slowly.

"So how is your family?"

My family?

"Umm good?" I said confused but smiled nicely. "I talked to my mom yesterday and now that I think about it I feel like she is going to get sad if I don't talk to her today. You know since I just moved and she said to call her often. You are probably thinking I'm stupid right?" I said laughing because he was looking at me smiling at my response.

"No no not at all. I'm just glad to know you care and you want your mom to know you are fine and the fact that you want to talk to her everyday is amazing."

"Oh ok well do you mind if I send her a text or something?"

"No of course not beautiful go ahead. Do you want me to leave and give you a moment to talk to her?"

Aw he is so sweet.

"No it's fine.
Please stay."

"If you insist baby." He gave me a cocky smile and I rolled my eyes playfully.

*Geoffrey's POV*

It's so early to think about this but I like Paola. A lot.

"Bueno?" Paola said smiling since this was her second try to communicate with her mom. Her eyes literally lighten when she heard her mom's voice.

"Como estas ma?"

I couldn't hear what her mom was saying but I'm guessing she was fine.

"Yo estoy en umm." She looked at me and I didn't understand why she couldn't say where she was.

"En mi Casa. Ya me iba a dormir y tu?"

Oh okay?

"Bueno ma entonces te dejo. Que descanses te quiero mucho. Okay bye." She hung up.

I don't know if she noticed I got kind of sad when she told her mom she was home.

"Geoffrey. I'm sorry I just can't tell my mom. She is going to think wrong and I don't want her to tell her friends y que Ellas le Digan a otras personas and I know you don't like to say anything about your personal life and-"

She knows I want my personal life private and I just found another reason to keep falling for her.

She cares and she is willing to keep this between us. First with Anita and now her mom.

"No it's fine I get it. It's ok." I said grabbing her hand. "Actually thank you."

She gave me a sympathetic smile.

"Thank you for all this."

I looked into her eyes. I want to know more about her. I'm loving what I already know.

The pianist started playing what sounds like a slow ballad.

"You want to dance?"

She looked around.

"No one is dancing," she looked at me like I was crazy. "but sure." She said laughing.

I got up and helped her get up.

I grabbed her hand and we started walking close to the piano.

"Can I?" I asked so I could put my hands on her hips.

"Of course." She gave me her beautiful smile.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and we started dancing slowly. Her perfume was all over me now and I love the scent. The smell is sweet and fresh just like her.

We were so close to each other I just wanted to kiss her soft, shiny lips but I know its too soon for that magic touch.
This is seriously one of the best nights I've had in such a long time.


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