Chapter 32

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*Geoffrey's POV* the girl I want to be with is mad. I didn't even know Eme was going to come to my apartment. My luck again.

"Hurry up I have to work tomorrow."
Paola said impatiently as she walked in my apartment.

"Look I don't know why you are mad. We weren't doing anything." I said and closed the door. "Emeraude came to talk. I told her I didn't have anything to talk about and then you came in."

She wasn't looking at me when I was explaining what had happened.

"Paola please look at me."

She turn around annoyingly.

"Ya contento? I heard you so can I leave now?" She said with anger but also sad tone in her voice.

"Really? Is that what you want? You are not going to believe me?" I'm sad she is not believing me. I know we just met but I would never lie to her like that.

*Paola's POV*

He is right. They weren't doing anything. I just got so mad how Eme was going to call the police and how he stayed with her to explain why I was there.

"Why did you have to stay and explain to her who I was? That means you care what she thinks"

"No!" Geoffrey said almost shouting it was kind of scary. He came closer. "That means I want her out of my life so I had to tell her that you..."
He stopped talking.

The living room got all silent as I waited impatiently for his response. I couldn't stop thinking of what he couldn't tell me.

"Sorry." I said, not breaking the eye contact.

"It's ok. I understand why you got mad." Geoffrey said as he got closer.

"I do have to go though so good night." I said and started walking to the door.

As much as this hurts I know it would never work.

Geoffrey stopped me as he grabbed my wrist tightly and pulled me close to him.

"Can you stay?"

What? No. Of course not.

"No I'm sorry I have to work." I said nervously. I could practically hear my heart beat.

"You know that's a bad excuse." He said smirking and grabbed my hand intertwining our fingers.

"It's not an excuse." I said with a half smile.

"But we were going to watch movies and stay up pretty late."

"Well I didn't know. Remember you didn't want to tell me what we were going to do. Pero si me ubieras dicho I would of said no because I have to work."

He started laughing and I couldn't help but smile.

He has to stop making me feel this.

"Okay I'll let you go... But first let's eat. I bought pizza."

I let out a sight. "Fine."

*Geoffrey's POV*

I hold her hand and we started walking to the small hallway that lead to my room since that's where we were going to eat and watch movies.

"Umm where are we going?"

"My room."

She stopped a little. I knew she was going to.

"That's where we were going to watch movies that's why the pizza is there."

"Can you bring it to the living room?"

"We are not going to do anything you don't want to." I said smirking and I could see her light blush.

"Okay." She said looking away.

We kept walking and sat down on my bed.

She barely talked when we were eating. For the first time it was awkward. I could feel she was uncomfortable.

She ate kind of fast and we only had small talks about our day.

"Well I'll leave now I hope that guy let's me leave."

"He will." I said walking her to the door smiling. "Thanks for letting me explain."

"Mhmm Goodnight." She said and walked away.

I have a feeling she is still mad.

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