Chapter 31

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*Paola's POV*

I got out of Telemundo at 6. Today was a good day. Jorge talked to me about the Latin Billboards and my task.

I'm actually pretty excited! I'm going to meet so many celebrities. I hope I don't make anything awkward when I'm interviewing them.

I started driving to Geoffrey's apartment. He sent me the address and gave me a code so I could go in the apartments he lives in.

I'm guessing they are really private if I have to give them some sort of number to go in.

I'm scared. I don't know what to think. I mean we are probably just going to watch movies... in his apartment.

I feel like I'm overreacting. I have to stop. I parked next to a white Prius Hybrid. I wonder if that's Geoffrey's too. I got out of my car and spotted his Ferrari.

"Hmm that's weird." I thought. "Why would he have two cars?"

I started walking to his apartment and texted him.

"I'm here😁"

I waited but he didn't reply. I think it's going to be a surprise then.

I kept walking and I could hear someone arguing. There was only one apartment so that meant Geoffrey was with someone. Why were they arguing though?

"Come on baby you know you love me" I heard as I got closer. What's going on? The door was opened.

Should I go in? I think I should knock first.

I knocked but I guess no one heard so I stepped in. I looked at Geoffrey's apartment. It was so big and fancy. He had a pretty nice view of the beach.

I saw his tv and I could see his Xbox and play station. He is so cute.

I also spotted some pictures of his family and tons of games neatly placed next to his Xbox.

"I thought-"

I turned around as soon as I heard someone coming out of the kitchen.

"What are you doing here? If you don't get out in this second I'm calling the police." I saw a pretty woman getting her phone out of her purse.

"What?" I heard Geoffrey coming out of the kitchen.

We stared at each other for a while. He turned pale.

"P-Paola" He stutter and said surprised.

Did he lie to me? Of course he did. That's why he is reacting like that.

That's Emeraude his girlfriend. I'm so stupid. I'm making a fool of myself.

"Oh I'm sorry. You umm can keep talking I think I'm in the wrong apartment. Sorry" I said as I walked out.

That's the only thing I could think of saying after such an embarrassing moment. I have to get out of here.

"No wait" I heard Geoffrey say but I also heard Eme asking how he knew me and why I had his address. So he stayed with her...

He stayed and basically explained everything to her. He didn't come after me to explain anything. He stayed. With her.

He didn't even care about me. He only wanted to explain to his girlfriend why I was there.

I feel so pathetic right now. I'm so stupid for thinking something could happen between us.

I thought we liked each other after what happened last night but no. Is this his pay back? He wanted me to think he liked me so now he can laugh at my face? I don't get it. He was so sweet and now...

This is my fault. Cause I believed an artist like him would like me the way I do. But why am I even complaining? It was kind of obvious. First date and he already wanted to be with me. He just wanted to play around.

"He never broke up with her." I whispered to myself and walked slowly to my car. I could feel my eyes getting watery.

"Paola wait!"

Oh my god no. What does he want?! To embarrass me in front of her?

I kept walking but this time I walked fast. I was almost jogging to my car.

I went in the car and started driving to the exit. Now I was crying. Yes I was sad but I was mad too. He lied to me! I hate that so much.


"I'm sorry but you can't get out of here."

"What?" I told the guy that had to open the gate so I could get out of the apartments.

"I received a call and Mr. Rojas told me you can't get out of here so please go back to his apartment."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Is this guy serious?

"Ma'am can you please move?"

I turned around and saw Emeraude's car behind me. Was Geoffrey going to make her stay too?

I started driving back to Geoffrey's apartment but just to tell him to tell the guy to let me leave.

I saw the man open the gate for Emeraude to leave.

"You are back." Geoffrey said smiling as I got out of my car. He was sitting outside waiting for me.

"Can you tell the guy to let me leave?" I said as he stood up and walked close to me.

"No. I want to talk to you first." I saw him trying to reach for my hand.

"I don't want to hear you." I moved away from him.

"Have you been crying?" He tried to touch my face.

"No." I said turning around and walking away.

"Is it because of-" He hesitated to ask. "Eme?"

"No! And can you please just tell the guy to open the freaking gate?" I said walking back to my car.

Geoffrey started walking and grabbed my arm.

"Don't touch me." I said jerking my arm away. "I don't want your dirty hands touching me after you touched your girlfriend."

"Can we just talk? Come on let's go in."

"I'm not going anywhere just home."

"Paola. Please I don't want to carry you but if I have to I will."

"Are you serious?" I wave him a disgusting look.

"Yes now let's go in. And If you don't go in you are not going to be able to leave."

I started walking to his apartment. He followed behind me.

I hate him. The feeling I had when I first saw him at the airport suddenly came back.


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