Chapter 35

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*Paola' s POV*

"Paola wait!"

I could hear Geoffrey yell my name but I really don't want to stop and cause a scene here. I'll just drive home and if he really wants to talk he'll follow me.

"Paola! Stop!" Geoffrey grabbed my wrist and forced me to turn around.
He was breathing heavily. I know I just made him mad by walking away.

"Not here please. Let's go to my apartment."

I didn't let him reply and started walking to my car again.

"I don't have a car."

Did I hear him right?

I turned around and saw him standing. "What?"

"Can I go with you?" I could barely hear him. He was almost whispering. "I mean if I can't I'll just go look for a taxi or something."

Taxi. That's how we met. I was waiting for one when he covered my eyes with his hands. I was so scared.

"No it's fine I can take you."

We started walking together in silence. I didn't know what to say because I don't want to start fighting at least not yet.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you in front of Anita."

"It's fine I don't care that's why I walked away. I don't want other people to know about our problems if you can even call it that"

"Thanks." I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at him with a confuse stare. Why was he thanking me? "What?"

"Thank you for thinking about my image. I bet someone else would of start yelling and you know how the media is."

Oh. Right.

"Umm. No problem."

I actually didn't think about that. It's weird but when I'm with him it feels like he is a normal guy. I mean he is but it feels like he is not famous. Maybe because he doesn't act stalk up. That's what I like about him.

We kept walking in silence until we reached my car. I got in and unlocked the doors so he could go in as well.

"I like your car."

"Thanks. It's not as pretty as yours but-"

"It's still pretty cool." He complimented again and I couldn't help but to smile at him.

I turned my car on and started driving to my house.

*Geoffrey's POV*

As we reached her house, I could basically tell we were going to yell like always.

It looks like we can't be together anymore without yelling or making things awkward.

We didn't talk on the way to her apartment. I didn't know what to say and she didn't talk to me.

We listening to some classical music on our way. In a way it relaxed me. I didn't know she liked that kind of music but again I barely know her.

"We are here." I heard her sight after she said that.

"Yeah." I unbuckled my seat belt and she did the same.

We walked together to her apartment. I didn't see Mr. Rodriguez so I'm guessing she has her key with her. I thought she wasn't supposed to do that?

"Do you have your key?"

"No I have to ask for it I'm not allowed to take it with me remember?" She smiled but it faded when she saw me looking at her surprised. I thought she was mad.

"Right." I chuckled. Wow good job Royce.

I don't want to make things awkward I want us to be laughing like the first days we went out.

Another guy came and gave Paola her key. After that we walked to the elevator.

"Are you hungry? Do you want something?"

Was she really going to cook right now? I mean I don't mind at all! I would actually love to try her amazing food again.

"No thank you I bet you are tired." I declined politely an she opened the door. I can't make her cook right now.

"No it's fine really-"

"Can we just get this over with?" It came out a little harsh but I really wanted to talk about us.

"What do you want to tell me?" She started walking to her couch and took her shoes off.

"Why didn't you talk to me for a week? I explained why Eme was in my house."

"I-I was busy and-"

"Stop lying. You could of at least reply to my texts."

"Okay. I know and I'm sorry. Can we just forget about everything and be friends again?"

*Paola's POV*

Geoffrey was looking at me weird. I bet he was expecting to have a 12 hour fight or something but I'm tired. If my apology made him feel better, then there. I said sorry.

"So that's it?" He started laughing and I could see his amazing deep dimples. I'm in love with them.

I gave him a confuse look.
"I mean what do you want me to say?"

"No just-I don't know. It was too fast and simple."

We both started laughing and I sighed after some seconds.

"Well I have to work tomorrow so..."

"Right. Well I..umm call a cab."

Ugh. He doesn't have a ride back!

Someone is probably going to recognize him. I don't want him to get kidnap or something.

"You could...stay?"

Geoffrey's' eyes widen but quickly gave me a thankful, happy smile.

"Really? If it bothers you, it's okay, I can leave."

"No, really it's fine!" I got up from the couch and told him I was going to get some pillows and a blanket.

"Wait Paola. I don't like to sleep on the couch so do you mind if I sleep in-"

No. Please don't say my bed because it's never-

"Your floor? You have a carpet so I'll be good. If that's okay of course?"

He is going to sleep with me. Well in my room.

I'm probably gonna regret this. I know we both like each other and sleeping in the same room is just going to make things weird.

"Sure. It's fine I'll get you some more blankets then."

I could feel him staring at me as I walked to my closet.


So...what's going to happen?👀

Are they only going to sleep?😏😂

Thanks for reading 💕

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