Chapter 43

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*Geoffrey's POV*

"Muchisimas gracias Prince." The interviewer shook my hand again after we got done with an extraordinary interview.

I got to answer very creative questions my fans had. Overall, I had a great time making jokes and calling one lucky Roycenatica that later told me we had to get married. I, of course, said yes and when I turned around to see Jennifer, she was laughing while recording me.

After we exchanged goodbyes, Jen and I got back to the car. Since the hotel was pretty close to the radio station, I decided to call Paola just to let her know we were almost there.

"She is not answering." I said confused to Jen as I pulled my phone away from my ear to start texting Paola.

*We are on our way ;) get ready to eat the best food you'll ever get to try*

"Hmm maybe she is still helping that cute guy." After Jennifer said that my jaw immediately clenched and I looked up to see Jen smirking.

"That's not funny Jen." I spat.

"What? I only said she was still helping." Jen smiled and looked away quickly.

"Yeah but you said it like if she was not helping him. Like if she was doing something else."

"Royce it was a joke. Tranquilo."

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I don't even know why I'm getting so worked up.

I looked down and texted Paola again since I saw she didn't reply to my message.

*hey? We are here*

As soon as I sent the text Jen spoke again.

"Umm does... helping require a hug?"


Once we pulled up close to the hotel, I saw Jennifer's eyes widen as she kept staring out of the window. When my eyes followed hers, I couldn't believe what I was seen.

That's not my Paola.

It can't be.

"Royce-" but I didn't hear what Jennifer had to say because as soon as I saw him hold her tighter I was out of the car.

*Paola's POV*



My mind finally started cooperating with my body when I heard the voice I was getting so used to loving.

I pulled away quickly when I heard heavy footsteps coming towards us.

I turned around just to see a fuming Geoffrey heading Edward and I's way. For the first time, I was scared of what Geoffrey was going to say.

"That's Prince Royce?" I heard the nice English voice next to me say.


I couldn't help but keep thinking how I didn't even pulled Edward away when he hold me tighter.

All morning, Edward and I have been touching way to much... definitely not good. I don't even know why I did it. I should've of stopped him. I have a boyfriend for god's sake!

I'm stupid, I know. Geoffrey is probably going to drop my ass. I can't even tell him not to because I would probably go off on him if I saw him hugging a pretty girl.

"Hey" I said when Geoffrey was finally some feet away but close enough to see his eyes greet me with a hard glare.

Geoffrey only looked at me for a second before turning to see Edward.

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