Chapter 26

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*Geoffrey's POV*

Ana used to be Emeraude's best friend. Eme used to invite her everywhere we went.

I liked Ana she was nice. She never said anything about my relationship with Eme. I don't know why Eme and her stopped talking.

Eme didn't tell me anything one day she just told me to stop talking to Ana.
I couldn't because Ana had my number so she would text me to ask how I was or how Eme was.

Now that I think about it that's another reason why we broke up. She didn't trust me.

When I was on my phone, she would check who I texted. This started happening when she stopped talking to Ana.

I bet she thought I was cheating on her with her best friend. That's ridiculous though I would never do that.

I know she found us in my apartment but that was because Ana went to ask me what Eme would like for her birthday. We were talking and Eme came when Ana was leaving.


_Third Person POV_

"You like him? What the fuck? He is my boyfriend Ana why are you doing this to me??" Said Emeraude about to start crying to her best friend Ana.

"I know I don't know how! I just- ugh I don't know I'm sorry Eme and I know you probably don't want to see me ever again but let me explain-"

"You are right I don't so get out of my house antes de que yo te saque!"
Ana didn't move.

"I said get out!" Emeraude said as she headed to the door and opened it.

"Please don't tell Royce. We are becoming friends and I don't want him to know."

"Never in your life" said Eme grabbing Ana's arm taking her out of her apartment. "Talk to MY boyfriend ever again!"

Eme closed the door and started crying. She couldn't believe Ana liked Royce. She was becoming like a sister to Eme. They were always talking and hanging out.

When Eme had small fights with Royce, she would tell her.

'What if Royce cheated on me with her?' Eme thought when she remembered she found them in Royce's apartment.

"No Royce wouldn't do that to me." Eme said sobbing. She didn't want to think about her anymore.
That's when Royce and Eme's problems started to get worse.


Eme would tell Royce to not talk to Ana but Royce didn't see any problem with doing it. He didn't know Ana liked him, so when she texted him, he would reply. Royce saw her as a friend.

Emeraude never told Royce Ana liked him. Every time Royce was on his phone, Eme would try to see who he was texting and that bothered Royce.

*End of flashback*

"Are you here?"
-Text message from 'Paola 😎'

"Yes I am I'll go in right now."

"I'm in the lobby lol"

"Oh well I'll go get you 😉"

"No it's fine just tell me where you parked"

"Right in the front beautiful"

2 minutes later I saw her.

I could feel my jaw dropping.

She looked stunning! I couldn't stop looking at her.

I came back to earth and got out of my car to help her get in.

I was walking to the building's entrance and stopped in the stairs.

"Tres escalones nos separan beautiful."
She didn't say anything just blushed

"I know I said to put something sexy but damn." I said smirking and laughing.

"Stop Geoffrey."

"What I'm saying the truth! Te ves preciosa."

Her blush is so cute.


"You are welcome beautiful." I said climbing the stairs. "Let's go." I said and grabbed her arm.


Now you know who Eme was talking about in chapter 22.

What is Ana going to say when she finds out Paola is hanging out with Geoffrey?

A little imagine....

Imagine Royce seeing you at his meet and greet. You see him checking you out and when is time to go hug him he tells you "hey beautiful where have you been" as he holds you in a really tight hug. When you are trying to pull away he says "don't leave me ever again."

Ajdksksodojsdk lol I don't know ok I just had to 😩😍😭

Congrats to all of you that are meeting him!😭🙌 I can't because he is not coming to my state 😭😭

I bet his hugs are life though 😍 I hope I get the chance to meet him soon


Thanks for reading I seriously appreciate it 🙆

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