Yuusha Country Arc Chapter 31: Megalo Defeated! Suzuki and Yuuto's Bravery!

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Knowing that his Demon Form was not good enough anymore, Suzuki decided to enter his Honemaru Form.

"Looks like I'm going to have to use the form that I used back when I fought Rill in the Inu Colony. It's not quite 100%, but it's the best I can do under control. Honemaru Form: Go!" revealed Suzuki.

Just like last time, there were no changes to the way Suzuki looked, but there was a purple like Demon Energy surrounding him. Yuuto was astonished to see his friend undergo a major change in presence. It was as if Suzuki became a new person. 

"Like that is going to do anything, brat. Eat this! Megalodon: Shark Bomb!" called Megalo.

Megalo clapped his hands together and created water-like sharks from his Demon Energy. He shot them towards Suzuki at some speed. However, thanks to Suzuki's knowledge of Oni-Sense plus the enhanced senses Honemaru grants when in this mode, Suzuki was able to dodge the power with ease. 

After that, Suzuki Speedstar'd over to Megalo and used his move 'Fujimura Style: Gears Down!'. The Demon Energy and Demonia formed the chainsaw like effect around his blade, which allowed Suzuki to slam the blade down on Megalo's left shoulder.

Despite his efforts, Megalo's Megaladon scales were too tough to crack through. To add to that, Megalo had his Demonia coating in effect too. He squeezed the blade out of his shoulder and cut across Suzuki's stomach using his razor-sharp claws. 

Blood poured out from the wound, but Suzuki didn't give in. With a little bit of coordination, Suzuki went to swing his blade back at Megalo, but one of Yuuto's mirrors appeared behind him. He then shot out a ball of light towards some of his already set up mirrors. Yet, it once again resulted in nothing.

Without anyone realising, Megalo activated his Enhanced Visions of an Overlord and anticipated the move. Before the move could even reach him, he coated his arm in Demonia and destroyed the mirror. With Megalo doing that, it would also result in all of the other mirrors cracking too.

Not letting that phase him, Yuuto began to charge at Megalo and charged up his fist with white light. Knowing that he was going in for a close-range attack, Suzuki stepped back and let Yuuto take charge. Also using his initiative, Hiraku began to charge up a close-range attack.

"Yuusha Country Style: Heroic Punch!" chanted Yuuto.

Megalo just smirked and grabbed Yuuto by his wrist. The power fizzled out, which allowed Megalo to strike back harder. He swung Yuuto down to the ground and stamped on his head. To torment him more, Megalo picked his arm back up and decided to pull. Seeing this unfold, Hiraku sprung into action.

"Yuusha Country Style: White Lightning Strike!" raged Hiraku as he pierced his hand into Megalo's side.

"What?! How did I not pick you up in my visions?!" exclaimed Megalo.

Not listening to Megalo's complaint, Hiraku drew Excalibur once more and used 'Heavens Piercer' and struck him down. This sent Megalo flying as he was not able to defend in time. Not letting him breathe, Hiraku flashed up to him and went to slash him down once more. Yet, it was not enough to take Megalo down.

"I'm impressed that you were able to injure me this much." smirked Megalo.

"I'm surprised that you are still alive from them attacks." replied Hiraku.

"Ha! Jokes on you though, Hiraku." jested Hiraku.

"Joke? What are you talking about?" questioned Hiraku.

"It should kick in any minute now."

All of a sudden, Hiraku fell to the ground while holding his throat. He didn't know what was happening and began to panic. 

"Have you noticed? The poison must be circulating your body now." gibed Megalo.

"How?" gasped Suzuki while listening to their conversation.

"I flicked a little droplet of poisoned water when he used his white lightning on me." revealed Megalo.

"Dammit!" cursed Suzuki.

"It's over, Fujimura! Megaladon: Sharks Tidal Wave!" Megalo provoked.

"I won't give up to the end! Fujimura Style: Purple Demon Cross of Hope Revised!" yelled Suzuki.

Implementing his Faux Purple Lightning into his already powerful Demon Cross of Hope, Suzuki sent off his most powerful attacks. It was so large and brimming with power, Megalo had no chance of dodging. It decimated his Tidal wave in an instant. 


The move cut through all of his scales and left him with electrical burns. It also implanted a large cross on his body.

"Is it finally over?" wondered Yuuto while lifting one of his eyes open.

"It came down to a Demon brat to save us in the end, huh. Is this what you were looking for, Junji?" Hiraku gently smiled while concentrating on his breathing.

After sensing that all of the fightings were over, Junji slowly lifted his eyes and looked upon the victorious Suzuki. While feeling happy that his side was victorious, he also knew that he had to leave everyone else behind.

"The prophecy came true. A Fujimura came and saved this country. I'm glad that this is the final thing I get to see. Thank you, Suzuki Fujimura."  thought Junji.

And with that, Junji's chapter came to an end.

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Authors Comment: The story continues in a new book. Once we have finished the arc, the story will enter its biggest saga! Are you excited?! I know I am!

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