War on World's Destination Arc Chapter 20: Honemaru 100!

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Two weeks before the current situation:

"It seems that you are making some progress with my power, brat," said Honemaru as he summoned Suzuki to the Soul Realm.

"Do you think so? I can feel your power flowing through me much better now," replied Suzuki.

"Hmm. There are two problems I can spot currently." 

"Two problems?" questioned Suzuki.

"One is that there seems to be a blockage in your Demon Energy. The other is that you're a Demi-Demon. Since you are not a pure-blooded demon, you will never be able to achieve the Cursed Overtake technique." explained Honemaru. 

"Really?! Is there no other way for me to achieve Cursed Overtake?"

"Not fully. I can only do the takeover I did at the Hashazoku incident."

"I see. Is it a bad thing that I can't do this technique?"

"It is. Without you not being able to do a Cursed Overtake, you won't be able to unlock my true blade." 

"True blade?"

"Yes. The Suzaku is just a front. My true blade is called Femur. Without being able to draw my true power, you will have no chance of beating your father." told Honemaru.

Suzuki looked troubled by this as more than anything, his top priority was to stop his father from advancing with his plans.

"Oh well! I am sure it will work out in the end." smiled Suzuki.

Back to the present time:

"So, you're back, brat!" howled Beelzebub.

"Let's finish this, Beelzebub. Leaving you alive will leave a bad taste in my mouth considering what pain you caused to Jacob and Maria!" smirked Suzuki.

With Anna's Oni-Chi activated, Suzuki can work with Honemaru's powers at 100%. However, he still can't undertake the Cursed Overtake form. 

"Remember you're on a time limit, Suzuki. Don't overdo it!" warned Anna. 

"I'll be done in a flash!" nodded Suzuki.

Suzuki grabbed his sword and used the 'Demon Cross of Hope Revised' move against the Zolvak. With the boost from Anna, it was the biggest one anyone had ever seen. Beelzebub put up a shield to defend against it, but it cracked instantly. 

"What the hell?!" cursed Beelzebub.

"Honemaru Style: Lumbar Smash!" chanted Suzuki.

Suzuki used his Demon Energy and created two lumbar bone parts. He used his Skywalk ability and then threw the bone pieces at Beelzebub which pinned him down. Using that to his advantage, Suzuki launches another 'Demon Cross of Hope Revised' right in front of Beelzebub.

"Come and help me, Alisha! We can demolish him with our powers combined," said Suzuki.

"Right!" agreed Alisha.

Alisha Skywalked to Suzuki and unsheathed her sword one last time. 

"Just like we practised!" affirmed Suzuki.

"Suzuki X Alisha Style: Piercer Cross of Hope!" yelled the both of them.

They both coated their swords in Demon Energy and fired it off towards Beelzebub. Since he was stuck in the ground, he had no way of moving.


He was cut in two and started to fade away like a normal Zolvak,

"Don't think this is the end of me, brat. The technology Arata Nobunaga has created is far beyond what you can comprehend."

"It doesn't matter if you come back. The result will always be the same!" jibed Suzuki.

As Beelzebub's Soul Wrecker body faded away, Suzuki laid off the power and came back to the ground.

"Target down! Time for us to move on!" declared Suzuki.

*Thank you for reading this chapter of 'Mysterious Ways!'. If you enjoyed it, please give this chapter a vote and comment! Please continue to support the story by sharing too!

Author Note: I once said I would go on an extended hiatus before we reach the next arc in the story, but I've decided not to do that now. I've done a lot of pre-planning for quite some time and I've changed the structure which will make it easier for me to write! Also, we've reached 1.7k on the other 'Mysterious Ways!' book! Thank you very much! 

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