Delta Arc Chapter 2: Protect the Haul Bringer!

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Even though most of the clan were out running other errands, Daiki made the exception and brought both Suzuki and Keiichineko over the office. 

Daiki opened up the portal and walked with them through it. As they walked in, they could see both Paolo and Alisha standing to one side. 

"Long time no see, Suzuki and Keiichineko. Is the rest of the clan out running errands?" greeted Master Akimitsu.

"It sure has, Master Akimitsu. Sorry for the lack of members. They are all out doing their own thing," replied Suzuki as he took a seat.

"Has something urgent happened, Master Akimitsu?" asked Keiichineko.

Master Akimitsu smiled as Keiichineko was still able to sense danger in the room. He nodded to both of them and began to explain the current situation. He went into detail about how they have decided in the recent Capitani Leggeri meeting to protect Alisha. Why Alisha needs protection despite her strength and the current movements of the Capitani Oscuri. 

"That's a lot to process ~nyaa." meowed Keiichineko as he held his head. 

"Why us, Master Akimitsu?! Surely we aren't up for the scratch on this one?" gasped Suzuki.

"Why are you selling yourself short, Suzuki?" wondered Master Akimitsu.


"You're much better than what you think, Suzuki. I believe that you and your Clan will protect Alisha to the bitter end. I have the utmost faith in you all." Master Akimitsu encouraged.

"Also, we are behind you all the way. We know something major is going to happen in September, and we are preparing for it." Daiki chipped in.

"But..." stuttered Suzuki.

"This isn't something we can decline, Suzuki. We need to fulfil this duty, or it will bring great danger to the ones we love," said Keiichineko.

Suzuki still looked a bit nervous and uncomfortable, but he knew the response he wanted to give. 

"You're right! If I want to become the Good Demon Lord, I need to learn to do things I'm not comfortable doing."

"That's the spirit!" cheered Keiichineko.

"I promise to give it all I've got! I'll protect you even if my life depends on it!" vowed Suzuki while holding out his pinkie.

"I look forward to working with you, Fujimura-san." smiled Alisha as their pinkies intertwined. 

Back in Watarano, everyone seemingly returned from their errands as both Suzuki and Keiichineko returned. They looked a little confused when two other people came out of the portal too.

"Erm, let me introduce you guys to each other. Guys, this is Alisha and Paolo. Alisha and Paolo, these people are a part of my clan."

"Another girl, huh, Master Suzuki." pouted Hikari.

"It's not like that!" countered Suzuki.

"So, what's the deal, Master Suzuki?" asked Shinki.

Since Shinki asked, Suzuki, told the rest of the Clan the task they have been given. This came as a big shock to the rest of the clan. 

"Really?! We've been entrusted to protect her?!" exclaimed Hebi.

"Nice to meet you all." bowed Alisha.

"Can I put everyone at rest?" asked Paolo.

"Go ahead, Paolo." nodded Suzuki.

"Please do not feel like this is a burden to you all. All we seek is assistance in personnel. Both me and Alisha are more than capable of fighting for ourselves." Paolo explained.

"Paolo is right. We just need help to fend off the enemies without giving them the advantage." Alisha agreed.

"I see. I guess great power does become great responsibility." Hiro noted.

"I know this is a bit of a challenge, but we can overcome it! let's do our best, everyone!" declared Suzuki.

"Yeah!!!" yelled everyone.

However, their cheers would soon come to an end as the enemies were lurking in the sky.

"Target found, Tenma." told Kuro.

"I see an extra target. I can't wait to tease it," smirked Tenma. 

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Authors Comment: I heard that Undead Unluck and Mashle have stages at Jump Festa this year. I wonder if they will get anime announcements there? I sure hope they do!

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