Delta Arc Chapter 3: Too Little Too Late! The Delta's Arrived!

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Just as Suzuki thought he was in the clear, both Hana and Himari wandered into the garden to see what the commotion was. He then had to retell the story once more to the both of them. They looked a bit concerned as this was just as big as the Beezlebub mission, and they remember how that one ended.

"Are you sure it is okay, Suzuki?" worried Himari.

"There's nothing to worry about, mum. The main event is supposed to take place in September. We can hold out until then. We will all be in tip-top shape then too." Suzuki reassured.

"This does seem like a heavy task, though, Suzuki. Could none of the top people look after them?" Hana questioned.

"They're all preparing for the full out fight in September. Even Mr Bushido can't help me with training since he is preparing," explained Suzuki.

Just as Suzuki was about to continue, he could sense danger was approaching them. He looked behind him and saw what looked like a massive air slash. Suzuki used his 'Fujimura Style: Demon Cross of Hope!' attack to counter this move.

"What the?!" gasped Hana as she covered her face from the blast.

"We're under attack already?!" exclaimed Hebi.

They all looked up to the sky to see two figures are looking down at them. Paolo and Alisha noticed who they were straight away when they laid their eyes upon them. The funny thing is, Keiichineko recognised both of the characters while Shinki recognised one. 

"You're Kuro and..." Paolo started.

"...Tenma." Shinki ended.

"Tenma?! As in the Tenma that slew the Inu Realm?!" panicked Suzuki.

"It's him alright. Don't lose your head now, Shinki," warned Keiichineko.

"Shut up. I've got to take him out now!" barked Shinki as he jumped into action.

"Dammit! I need to stop this and get Hana, Mum and Alisha away from here. Demon Arts: Field Change!" thought Suzuki.

To help ease the pressure, Suzuki transported himself, Shinki and Tenma away from the house. He also grouped Keiichineko with Paolo and Kuro and transported them elsewhere. 

Suzuki teleported him and Shinki to Outer Watarano. It seemed to look like a wide side alley, but the atmosphere was lifeless. It is said that this part of Watarano is the least populated. Suzuki knew that this was the best place to take them as it would not bring any attention to them.

"Master Suzuki! I had him where I wanted him. Why did you stop me?" yelled Shinki.

"Don't be a fool, Shinki. I may have less battle experience than you, but even I could tell he was going to take you out in one fell swoop," told Suzuki.

"But..." Shinki tried to counter.

"Bickering between two clan members? It makes it all the more easier to kill you both." grinned Tenma viciously. 

Shinki tried to hold in his rage, but he just couldn't do it. He grips his sword tightly and goes in for the challenge. Tenma drew one of his scythes and swung down towards him. Shinki was able to move out of the way from the raging scythe. However, Tenma quickly drew his other blade and tried to cut him down. 

Luckily, Suzuki was able to jump in and deflect the wandering scythe. He grabbed Shinki and jumped out of the way. Tenma glared at the both of them with excitement as he couldn't wait to toy with them more.

"Don't keep me waiting! Bring it!!" shouted Tenma.

Elsewhere on the other side of town, Keiichineko and Paolo were getting ready to take on Kuro.

"This Demon Presence...I've felt it somewhere before." Keiichineko recognised.

"You recognise my presence. I wonder if you can unveil the truth," smirked Kuro.

*Thank you for reading this chapter of Mysterious Ways! If you enjoyed it, please give the chapter a vote and a comment! Please continue to support the story by sharing too!

Authors Comment: I will be on break next week as it is my birthday! Other than that, I've heard there is a secret stage at Jump Festa. I wonder what it could be?!

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