Delta Arc Chapter 17: Goodbye, School!

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"You want to join us, Melissa?" reiterated Suzuki. 

"Yes!" said Melissa in a determined tone.

"You're an Onmyouji? Why would you want to join a Demon clan?" questioned Suzuki.

"The answer to that is easy. You're someone that I cherish dearly, and I want to fight alongside you. I felt so hopeless when I saw you fight that Demon before." answered Melissa.

"I understand how you feel, but that my choice to expose my secret. I don't want you getting muddled up in this. However, since you've asked to join, I can't say no." admitted Suzuki.

"So, you'll let me join?" smiled Melissa.

"Yes. Welcome to the Clan, Melissa." nodded Suzuki.

Feeling like he owes the class some form of explanation, Suzuki tries to head back to class, but both Alisha and Chinami stop him.

"I don't think what you're about to do is a good idea, Suzuki," told Alisha.

"I think it's too late for a cover-up, don't you think?" replied Suzuki sarcastically.

"You don't need to explain anything to class, Suzuki." a mysterious voice pitched in.

Suzuki looked over to the curtain and saw an adult figure in the shape of a silhouette.

"That voice...Akari-Sensei! exclaimed Suzuki.

"I knew there was something about you, Suzuki. I just never imagined that you'd be a Demon. I'll keep your secret and sort the class out." reassured Akari-Sensei.

"How? I was pretty much on full display." challenged Suzuki.

"Your two Demon friends made a Memory Haze spray. I'll use it on the class to make them forget today. However, I bet your group of friends outside won't want to forget it." explained Akari-Sensei.

"I see, but won't you forget too if you use the spray?" wondered Suzuki.

"Your teacher will wear a mask we provided to block the particles from entering her body. We agreed that she and your friends outside should remember this incident. Well, I guess most of them know your secret, bar the pink-haired one." remarked Chinami. 

"That's true." grinned Suzuki.

"Now, Suzuki, the other reason I've come here is to relay a message by Mr Bushido." began Chinami.

With that, Suzuki made his way outside and put his friend's worries to bed. He explained the full situation he is in right now and what is going to happen now. Since the situation has escalated further than what they all expected, there is only one thing they can do.

"You're going to train for four months?!" gasped Yuuto.

"That's what Mr Bushido has explained to me to do. I'm sorry that I can't help you rescue Mr Hiraku." apologized Suzuki.

"It's fine. We've put an emergency message out to my Brother and Sister. They should be home sometime soon." stated Yuuto.

"That's a relief! If you still need help, let me know and I will come and help." Suzuki made aware.

"Of course!" bobbed Yuuto.

"Well, I better get going! I'll see you all around!" waved Suzuki as he walked away.

All of his friends looked sad as they watched Suzuki leave. They were scared as they thought they may never see Suzuki again.

"Suzuki!" yelled Ino.


"When you come back, I'll make you loads of food! Promise me that you'll eat it!" wept Ino.

"Of course, I will! Your food is great! I wouldn't miss it for the world!" complimented Suzuki.

"I'm glad!" cried Ino.

"Stop worrying! I'll be back and stronger than ever! I'll never lose my light!" smiled Suzuki.

And just like that, Suzuki left his friends behind. Waving them off with a big smile.

"I guess I'll have to pack my things," said Melissa.

"Yeah! We leave tomorrow! To a place called Worlds Destination! burst Suzuki. 

After confirming all the times and where to meet, both Suzuki and Melissa went on their way. However, Suzuki could sense that someone was still following him.

"You can stop hiding now, Ayaka." Suzuki pointed out.

"I'm sorry." apologized Ayaka.

"About what?" queried Suzuki.

"I told Hana and your mum," admitted Ayaka.

"You did what?!" exclaimed Suzuki.

Just as he was getting ready to put this day behind him, Suzuki saw his mother and sister waiting for him at the front door.

"We need to talk, Suzuki."

*Thank you for reading this chapter of Mysterious Ways! If you enjoyed it, please give the chapter a vote and comment! Please continue to support the story by sharing too!

Author Comment: I've done some planning on the 1k special over the weekend! I've got a few more chapters titles to think of, and it will be ready to go!

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