Delta Arc Chapter 5: The Terrifying Power of the Delta! Keiichineko Pushed Back!

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"A God?" questioned Paolo.

"Just watch! Nekogami Light: Purgatory Light!" chanted Keiichineko.

All of a sudden, Keiichineko entered his Nekogami Light form. He was able to destroy all forms of Kuro's power and break free of the corrosion. He emitted his light towards Paolo and freed him from Kuro's power too.

"My body doesn't feel like it's burning anymore." Paolo noticed. 

"That's because my Light particles burned the Shadow Corrosion that this Kuro was trying to do," told Keiichineko.

"Impressive, but it is not enough." teased Kuro.

"Unfortunately for you, my Light power is your kryptonite. Not only that, this is my only way of activating my Overlords Demonia," revealed Keiichineko.

"Seems like I need to be careful," Kuro observed. 

Without holding back, Keiichineko charged in with his blade covered in Light Energy and his Demonia. Kuro attempted to shrink their body, but it was no use as Keiichineko quickly landed his hit. The strike was that powerful that it pushed Kuro out far.

"I'll give you that, Keiichineko. It has been five years since someone was able to do this much damage to me." Kuro acknowledged.

"Interesting. I guess it is hard to kill a Delta," noted Keiichineko.

"It was more of a damage to the heart. You see, the person I loved and admired betrayed me. I trusted that person wholeheartedly, and it was all a ruse. From that day forward, I decided to become strong and kill anyone who dared cross my path." explained Kuro.

"You sound like a sorrow ridden maiden. I'm not sure why you're telling me this, but I am going to make sure the next strike finishes you off." jested Keiichineko.

"I don't think it will," replied Kuro.

"We'll see about that! Kindling Flame: Blooming Lotus!" yelled Paolo.

While Kuro was chatting to Keiichineko, Paolo used the opportunity to strike from above. He pointed his sword towards Kuro and fired off the attack. As the fire landed near Kuro, it bloomed into a flower shape and burned bright. Thinking he had landed a perfect strike, Paolo drew his sword and came back down to Keiichineko.

Feeling like something was not right, Keiichineko carried on observing the area. He enabled his Enhanced Visions of an Overlord and saw that Kuro was going to strike once more. He tried to warn Paolo, but it was already too late.

"You really are incompetent. For someone who is supposed to be protecting the Haul Bringer girl 24/7, you are disappointing." shot Kuro as they were wrapped around Paolo.

"How were you able to survive that?" panicked Paolo.

"You shouldn't worry about that. Shadow Strike!" shouted Kuro as they activated their powers.

With no place to go, Paolo took the strikes from Kuro. Shadow-like spikes pierced throughout his whole body. This caused him to bleed heavily and take extensive damage. Losing a lot of his strength, Paolo was down and out.

"Shit!" cursed Keiichineko.

"What a fool for even thinking that puny attack could damage me. Though, you are a completely different being, Keiichineko."  Kuro bad mouthed.

"What is this uneasy sense I am feeling? This Delta' I can sense a being I've met before." thought Keiichineko.

"Let me ask you something before I kill you. Do you remember me?" inquired Kuro.

"I can sense that we've met before, but I am not letting that stop me from finishing you off." declared Keiichineko.

"I see," responded Kuro.

"Nekogami Light: White Tigers Barrage!" called Keiichineko.

With heavy feelings in his heart, Keiichineko grabbed his sword tightly and charged in on Kuro. White Energy shaped in the face of a tiger formed around Keiichineko as he launched his attack. The faces went ahead of him and placed themselves around Kuro's spatial body. Kuro tried to move out of the way, but the tiger energy was biting down on them. 

The Light Energy brimmed with power as Keiichineko was closing in on his target. He used the Oni-Sense lock-on power and jabbed his blade furiously in Kuro. The White Tiger faces all collated together to give Keiichineko extra power in his final jab.


Kuro went flying away after the powerful barrage, but it wasn't enough.

"Too bad, but it wasn't enough, Keiichineko," smirked Kuro.

"What?! You shouldn't even be conscious after that attack!" exclaimed Keiichineko.

"It seems that our levels aren't matched yet. The Great Abyss: Hatred Wave!" launched Kuro.

A shadow-like sound wave attack pummeled its way towards Keiichineko. He tried to put up a Light Barrier, but it was not enough to block the move. It shattered before he knew and took the move head-on.


Keiichineko went crashing through a nearby building. Luckily, there was no one there in the building to see someone crash through it. The damage that Keiichineko took from that attack alone was more than enough to put him out of the battle.

"These Delta's...they're on another level." coughed Keiichineko.

"What a pitiful sight, Keiichineko." teased a mysterious voice.

"Are you okay, Keiichineko-san?" asked another mysterious voice.

"You guys are..."

*Thank you for reading this chapter of Mysterious Ways! If you enjoyed it, please give the chapter a vote and a comment! Please continue to support the story by sharing too!

Author's Comment - I had a nice week off, and I am feeling more refreshed! I was able to finalize my idea for another story too. All that is left is to write it!

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