War on World's Destination Arc Chapter 17: The Traitor is....

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"You're just as naïve as you were as a kid, Suzuki. I am glad you never grew up." said the familiar voice.

"Why would you stab him in the back just as he was coming around, Sanju!" yelled Suzuki.

"Good guys kill the bad guys? Isn't that obvious? During your training, I thought you would see the importance of killing the enemy?" questioned Sanju.

"There are some enemies that can't be saved by just words and need to be killed. However, understanding your enemy and pulling them on the right track works! I've seen proof of this before!" argued Suzuki.

"I see. Well, I guess this guy wasn't a threat. He never was when he was in our meetings." smirked Sanju.

"Meetings? What meetings?" queried Suzuki.

"I think you realise what I truly am, Suzuki. I am not on your side and I never was. I am the twelfth Captain of the Capitani Oscuri." revealed Sanju.

Suzuki's eyes widened tremendously. He didn't want to believe that he was the bad guy and wanted to think that him injuring Shimizu like that was a misunderstanding. He wanted to disregard the ominous pressure he was giving off. However, he wanted to ignore the piercing evil glare he was giving him.

"So, you were the one who revealed where we were?! You were the one that exposed my friends to danger!" yelled Suzuki.

"It was me. All on the orders of the person who saved me...Uncle Shinra." told Sanju.

Suzuki's face dropped and felt sick to his stomach. Not only has he been betrayed by someone he saw as a brother, but he is also working alongside the one person he can't forgive. Shinra Fujimura!

"We were supposed to be on the same team! We were supposed to fight for the same dream! WHY THE HELL ARE YOU WORKING FOR HIM?!" cried Suzuki. 

"People and feelings change, Suzuki. I am not a foolish boy who is trying to chase that dream anymore. What I am doing will be for the greater good! For when the Yang of the Fujimura Clan reigns!" flaunted Sanju.

"Yang?" wondered Suzuki.

"I guess your friends never found Kiyoshi in the end. It's of no matter. It's over, Suzuki. Koriusagioni: Frost Chase!" chanted Sanju.

"Oh no, you don't! Hot Shot: Wind!" countered Lux. 

As Sanju was about to release his move on Suzuki, Lux jumped in with his move and knocked Sanju off balance. Lux then quickly moved out of the way to let Hikari fire off one of her Light Arrows. The arrow nearly caught Sanju, but he was able to deflect it with his sword. 

"Your lackey's seemed to have grown strong enough to protect you. How nice. It seems that I must assist my true master. Koriusagioni: Iced Rabbit Path." said, Sanju.

As he said that, ice gathered behind him and a bunch of rabbits made of ice dragged him away. Suzuki couldn't let him get away, so he used his Flashstar to catch up, but the iced rabbits seemed to be dragging him away at a quick rate.

All hope seemed lost, but that was until the best support came in clutch for Suzuki.

"Two Point Slash!" yelled Keiichineko.

Since the move was coming at him fast, Sanju had to activate his Demonia to deflect the attack. Using that as a ruse, Keiichineko came in quickly and swung his sword forcefully. It was enough to push Sanju away from where he was standing. 

"It seems your senses were on the money, Keiichineko. Too bad you weren't able to do anything about it in the end," smirked Sanju. 

Sanju then manoeuvred quickly and kicked Keiichineko upwards. He then Speedstar'd above him and kicked him downwards with the ball of his foot. Just as he was about to go back to his spot, Shinki came behind him and was ready to attack. However, Sanju was able to predict his every movement and Speedstar'd to the side of him.

He grabbed Shinki by the face and activated his ice powers. He pushed him all the way down from the air and slammed him to the ground. Sanju jumped away from Shinki and got back on his iced rabbit path.  

Just as he landed back down, Suzuki was there and ready to rumble. Sanju gave a wide smirk to Suzuki and said, "What brilliant timing.".

As he said that, Sanju got to the area he wanted and the person Suzuki never wanted to see was there.

"Good job, Sanju. You've played your role perfectly and allowed us to make sure all the scum here die before getting to Watarano." praised Shinra.

"YOU!" raged Suzuki.

"We have no time to waste on his, Master Shinra. We planted the device in the Zolvak as Arata said. Let's not engage with him." warned Hitsora.

"Don't worry. He is not even worthy of my breath. Come, Sanju, we have been ordered by Master Einosuke to be the prelude for the destruction of Watarano." stated Shinra.

"What?!" exclaimed Suzuki.

As he said this, Shinra opened a Warp Portal and was about to enter it. Just as he was, Suzuki stepped in and tried to attack him. However, he was using one of his Onmyouji powers and blocked him.

"Your blade won't reach me. You're far too weak." degraded Shinra.

As he said this, multiple wounds opened in Suzuki and covered him in blood. He dropped his blade and fell to the floor.

"I hope you finally stop being a stain in my life."

"Wait! I won't let you go! I won't let you power-hungry son of a bitch go!" 

"Power hungry? Ha! That's far from the truth. My aim ain't power. I just need the power to obtain what I want." said Shinra.

Suzuki tried to get up, but his body just refused to pick itself up. Shinra and his gang walked into the portal to Watarano, but before he went, Shinra said, "Your time isn't now, my failure of a son."

"Come back here! YOU BASTARD!" shouted Suzuki.

*Thank you for reading this chapter of 'Mysterious Ways!'. If you enjoyed it, please give this chapter a vote and comment! Please continue to support the story by sharing too!

Author Note: Sorry for the sudden break last week! I had some personal things happen that needed my full attention! 

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