Delta Arc Chapter 1: The Right Clan for the Job!

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As Daiki was making his way back to the Good Demon Realm, both Alisha and Paolo met up with Master Akimitsu.

"I see that the plan is finally in action, huh, Alisha," said Master Akimitsu.

"It seems that way, Master Akimitsu." nodded Alisha.

"To think I'd see the strongest Haul Bringer of all time. The one who possesses balance in their Healing prowess and their attacking prowess. I think you're stronger than me." praised Master Akimitsu.

"Please don't flatter me, Master Akimitsu. I could never be as strong as you." blushed Alisha.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I'm hoping you can help us," asked Paolo.

"I was waiting for you to ask, Guardian of the Haul Bringer, Paolo. We all know to some degree about the plan that the Dark Demon Realm and the Delta's have. That is why I sent Daiki to scout the areas you may have been." stated Master Akimitsu.

"Yes, it would seem that they're making their move. Unfortunately, both our strength put together wouldn't stand a chance against an army," told Paolo.

"I see. So the repercussion rumour is true, I take it." wondered Master Akimitsu.

"I'm sorry to say it is, Master Akimitsu." apologized Alisha.

"You have this extraordinary power, but the use of it comes at a cost. From my knowledge, that cost would be lowering your life expectancy." chipped in Daiki as he returned from the Delta Realm.

"That is correct. If me and Alisha were to go at this war alone, we'd have to use a tremendous amount of the Haul Bringers power. That would then lead to the death of Alisha and the Haul Bringer potentially getting into the wrong hands."

"We understand. We've been prepared to help you out for a very long time." smiled Master Akimitsu with reassurance.

"Great! Thank you very much, Master Akimitsu!" thanked both Alisha and Paolo.

"We've also got a Clan who is perfect for the job." grinned Master Akimitsu.


"Achooooooo!!!" sneezed Suzuki.

"What's wrong~nyaa?" queried Keiichineko.

"I wonder? Maybe some pretty woman is speaking about me." beamed Suzuki.

"I doubt they'd be thinking about a loser like you~nyaa!" jested Keiichineko.

"Oi!" yelled Suzuki.

While they've been waiting for their next mission, Suzuki has been training with Keiichineko. Keiichineko has been teaching Suzuki all the tips and tricks on getting the most out of his Demon Energy and trying to unlock a higher percentage of Honemaru's power. Mr Bushido has also been visiting Suzuki and helping him with his training too. 

"Let's call it quits there, Suzuki. I can sense that you are using your Demon Energy more efficiently than you were back in the Yuusha Country," told Keiichineko. 

"You think so? I can tell that my more basic moves have felt less impacting on my body." Suzuki mentioned.

"That's what I like to hear~nyaa. If you keep that up, you'll be able to more Demon Energy into your Shoryu Keitai and even some tougher moves," explained Keiichineko.

Just as Keiichineko was about to continue, Himari brought out some drinks and snacks for both of them. Hana brought some towels for them to wipe the sweat away.

"Good work out there, you two. You're looking great!" praised Himari.

"Thanks! I may not be learning a new move, but I can feel myself getting stronger than before." exulted Suzuki.

"Yet, Anna will still have to heal you up." teased Hana.

"Shut up!" barked Suzuki.

While Suzuki and Hana were having a little spat, Himari pulled Keiichineko to one side to speak to him in private. 

"I was able to look into what you asked me, Keiichineko-san." 

"The Fujimura Will Exchange Event?! What did you find?!" exclaimed Keiichineko.

"Well, I asked around some of my old friends, but they've never heard of this event. When me and Shinra were together, he never said anything about it either," said Himari.

"I see. Those words would scream out to you if someone had already said them. I'll have to wait and see what Shinki and Anna come back with." Keiichineko replied.

"You're right. Shinki and Anna have been away for some time now gathering information."

"Yeah. I'm surprised that Suzuki hasn't caught on."

Just as Keiichineko and Himari were getting into the conversation, a Warp Portal flashed up in front of them. Keiichineko knew that this spelt trouble as he saw Daiki come out of the portal.

"Okay, the Fujimura Clan's break is now over. We have a big mission for you all," announced Daiki.

"A big mission?!" questioned Suzuki.

*Thank you for reading this chapter of Mysterious Ways! If you enjoyed it, please give the chapter a vote and a comment! Please continue to support the story by sharing too!

Authors Comment: I will be on break next week! I'm hoping that there will be a side story chapter out within the next two weeks too! I've added last names to some of the characters in the Character Descriptions 14 chapter. I completely forgot!

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