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"Aaand finished. . ." (Name) says sadly, closing her book gently and with as much care as possible, "That was a whole wave of different emotions." She sighed from deep within herself closing her eyes and squeezing them shut for a second to rid them of any tears stuck in her long black eyelashes. She had just finished the last volume of the demon slayer manga, placing it back onto her manga shelf in its rightful place blowing on any dust in the way to try and keep it all dust free and clean.

Yesterday (name) treated herself and decided to purchase the last volume of Kimetsu No Yaiba because she had some spare money to spend, all from the part time job she has at a tiny supermarket inbetween her large  school and tiny home.

"I wish I could've seen Rengoku Kyojuro in the last fight with muzan, that would have been so cool, but oh well, that's how the author wanted it and I shall respect that with my heart I have set ablaze." (Name) muttered to no one in particular, sarcastically pumping her fist in the air. She looks around lazily and see nothing exciting  other than her anime figurines and posters, some of the one character in Kimetsu no yaiba that she admires the most, Rengoku Kyojuro.

She stole a glance at her phone only to see no new notifications what so ever and she chewed slightly on the inside of her bottom lip, something (name) does when she's feeling down and alone. Once again feeling alone after finishing the volume, she sits on her bed and kicks her short legs up and down. Standing up to 5'5 she is always looked down upon, not just because everyone thinks they are better than her, but just in general, because she was so short.

She looks at her phone and the time reads 11:47pm. It's a Tuesday night. School is tomorrow. At first (name)'s eyes skimmed over the numbers before she had to look back at them and let her lethargic brain comprehend the numbers displayed on the screen. She began to slightly panic inside as this would throw off the half decent sleep schedule she has been trying to fix up for the past few agonisingly long months.

(Name) snuggles up into her bed, her blanket pulled right up to cover half her face and her mildly long black hair, just thrown onto her pillow behind her. Her bright green eyes fluttering closed as she drifts off to dreamy land to dream of things she could only imagine having and doing.

(Name) is in her last year of schooling, which makes her about 17-18 years old and she can't afford to fail anything in school, (name) needs to pass to be able to graduate, just like everyone else does, but she struggles. (Name) isn't very strong minded when it comes to maths and subjects like it, art is probably her greatest ability, after gaming that is.

Her parents don't help either, they say that they love her, but the way they speak to her and act around her definitely says otherwise. (Name) has many friends, but not the ones you would hang out with after school and go places with, she was popular but only because everyone knew her, she wasn't part of the "cool kids". 

(Name) has always been able to tell if someone likes her, not necessarily romantically but just in general, she thinks of it as an ability, something cool, something she enjoys having,it helps her with who to hang around and who not to. She doesn't know why but everone she meets she knows deep down in her gut that they don't care. One person perhaps, was an exception and her name was Maya.


As (name) makes her way down the long and annoyingly noisy hall, walking into her first class, staring at her black slip on shoes as they met the cold floors making a slight clacking sound, she hears all the 'hello's' and 'hey's' but only responds with a small head nod and a wave of the hand, knowing that they really don't care for her and her wellbeing.

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