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"Shinazugawa-kun, can you help me move all my things to my estate when kyojuro gets back?" I ask Genya and he looks at me.

"B-but.." He tries to get out of helping.

"No buts, I don't care if you and Sanemi aren't on talking terms, you are helping me." I demand. "And be there by three please, I want the rest of the afternoon to myself, and I'm sure you would to." I walk up to him and ruffled his mowhawk.

"O-okay.." his little face has a dusting of pink on his cheeks, showing that he's embarrassed. But that's only to be expected since he has a hard time talking to girls and women in general.

"Oh don't be so upset, let me tell you something." I step closer to him and his face gets brighter with pink. "Sanemi doesn't hate you, he's just scared. Trust me, I know what he's feeling." I smile at him and his eyes widen slightly, seemingly excited over what I told him.

"But don't just go prancing up to him, it will only make him angry." I quickly say to warn him. "We will figure something out so you will just have to wait a while, okay?" Genya nods and I smile. Poor child, he just wants some love.

Half an hour later and kyojuro arrives holding a large pouch in his hands.

"Hello my dear flower, how do you feel?" He asks as he put a hand on the side on my face, gently rubbing my cheek with his thumb.

"Better, but my throat does hurt from the coughing." I tell his and I hold the hand he has on my face, kissing the palm of his hand.

"Let's be off then, ill take you back to Sanemi’s and make you some warm honey tea to sooth the pain in your throat, but I will have to leave after that because Senjuro wanted to spend time with me." He smiles at me.

"See you guys later!" I say to the two males, I didn't get to talk to Himejima at all because he was praying and I didn't want to disturb him. It was unfortunate because I really wanted to talk to him about things.

"So what's that you have?" I ask as I point to the little bag kyo is holding.

"Oh! Yes! That's right, this is stronger medication for you, this is supposed to help reverse the grows of the scar! Isn't that great flower!" Kyojuro says excitedly.

"Yes, yes, yes!" I shout happily.

We get to sanemi's and he isn't here so we both go in and I pull out the boxes for packing my things then go to the kitchen and wait for kyo to make me tea.

Kyojuro is awfully quiet and he isn't smiling as much, something must be wrong.


Yeah, whats up flower?" He turns to me.

"Is everything okay? You're very quiet and I haven't seen you smile since we got here. You were so happy before, what's wrong?" I ask worridly and he frowns at himself.

"I'm sorry, I guess I'm just worried about you. I'm just thinking too much about things that might never happen." He looks at the ground sadly then looks up at me and forces a smile, but as he is doing so, I get out of my chair and give him a heartfelt hug, enough to make him feel better.

"Dont worry, kyo. Everything will be alright in the end, trust me. Just don't think about it too much, okay?" I look up at him and give him a quick little kiss on the lips.

Kyo smiles down at me. "You are the best thing to ever happen to me." He cups my face and brings me into a tender kiss. Pulling away when the kettle is finished boiling.

"You are too." I tell him and go to sit back down at the table.

Kyojuro puts the tea down on the table in front of me and pats my back.

The Withering Flower {Rengoku Kyojuro X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now