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A deep and very sinister chuckle escapes from uppermoon two's fanged mouth, laughing down at the young girl laying almost lifeless in the dirt. Small pools of blood come together around major wounds on Amanda, slowly sinking into the dirt, while she wheezes whatever air in and out of her lungs.

This is the end for her.

He knew it.

She knew it.

Anyone would know it.

She could no longer move, no longer feel things on her fingertips, no longer speak. If anyone alive in the vicinity could see Amanda in this state...they'd know she wouldn't have much time left before she would. . .pass on, to the land of yomi.

Amanda lay in the dirt road in the small village, a row of houses and small shops on either side of the road. Light, transparent rays of sunlight began to peek through the sides and over buildings. By this moment in time, Douma, uppermoon two, has already fled from the sun, leaving Amanda to slowly die, all alone.

She didn't even feel when some of the kakushi's had lifted her bloodied body up and carried her off on a stretcher to the nearest hospital, shinobu's estate. Of course..she would die long before she even got there.

There were two kakushi's carrying either end of the stretcher, another ran beside them holding a bag full of liquid up above Amanda, the bag was connected to a long tube that had the other end embedded in the inner elbow part of Amanda's arm. A fourth ran along on the other side, trying to tend to Amanda's wounds, but they were far too great.

When Amanda had stopped breathing, her once moving chest coming to a halt, a kakushi notices and alarms the others of the extended situation. The stretcher is put down and cpr is performed on Amanda, but obviously, it is too late.

Amanda's body had long gone pale and she began to feel cold at her hands and arms. Her eyes no longer moved under her eyelids, her mouth no longer twitching in pain...she had been relieved of all her pain and suffering. She was finally free.

After an hour of trying to bring her back and getting nowhere, the kakushi's had called off the attempted resuscitation and proclaimed her. . .



Your pov:

Moving on is certainly a hard thing to overcome when it's related to the loss of a person, especially a young child such as Amanda. Months have passed since her death and a new battle begins between the demons and demon slayers.

"Emergency summon!  Emergency summon!" Every hashiras crow cawed loudly, all flying in the same direction..the Master's estate..

"Fuck!" I cursed at myself, "I took to long! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot!!" Running and tripping over everything in the dark to get to the masters estate, as I said. . .I took too long and I'm an idiot. . .


"NOOOOOOO!!!!! MASTER!!"screams from all hashiras sounded behind the explosion. Master Ubuyashiki had blown himself, his wife and two of his children up with him in an attempt to bring down muzan as much as possible for us hashiras.

My body comes to a sudden halt, heart thumping in my throat and ears. The smell of burning blood and flesh warfs into my nostrils making me gag on air. My eyes widen, sweat dribbles down my temples, my skin draining of colour.

Kyojuro skids to a stop beside me and I hear him panting, his breathing uneaven, as well as mine, his eye wide as he watches the embers from the explosion fall all around us. No words are spoken between us as he slowly takes his hand in mine gently, afraid that something may happen to me.

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