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I breathe quickly as I run down the road to the sword Smith village hidden in the Forrest, my crow doesn't know where it is properly because it's so well hidden but we finally manage to get there and I make it to little Mui but I stay hidden behind a tree.

He's in the bubble of water, trapped, suffocating. I know I should help him but if I don't he could regain his memories and feel happier. I couldn't help it and get to him quickly seeing a young boy, Kotetsu, laying on the ground covered in blood. I kill the little fish thing with claws that hurt him.

"Who is this kid?" I step closer and see that he's wearing a mask. "Kotetsu!" I check him for his wounds and see that there's a huge gash in his arm. I take off part of my uniform and wrap up his arm, I turn back to Mui and look at him in the eyes with a worried expression.

I press my hands onto the water bubble and yell into it so mui can hear me.

"Mui! Mui! You have to remember! Remember your father! Your mother! Your twin brother! Please remember! It's the only way you will get free!" I yell and breathe air into the water bubble he is trapped in to help him out a bit.

He seem to be confused at my words and that's completely reasonable. Loosing memories of your family and friends and not remembering all the happy times with people would be a weird thing to be told if you don't remember the memories. He continues to watch me with his big mint green eyes basicly asking for help.

I wanted to help but I also know that he needs to do this on his own. His eyes widen once the memories come flooding back to him. He furrows his eyebrows and I stand back, knowing whats about to happen.

Mui uses his second form to break out of the water prison and he collapses to the ground, coughing out whole heaps of water, I help him sit up and he and I both pull out the spikes in his face and body and I bandage him up.

"Good job Mui, you're so strong, Im proud of you!" I shout as I hug him close, he hugs me back.

"D-do you remember it all? I know it was hard for you, but I'm here, I'm here with you." Mui nods into my shoulder and stands up, a mist like Marking showing on his forehead, under his eye and cheek.

"I remember all of it, my family and friends, all those that died and I forgot about, I remember it all. And most of all, I remember how kind you are to me, (name)-nee-chan. I had forgotten every encounter I had with you but now that I remember, I know that you are the best older sister ever." Mui tells me and my eyes fill with tears.

" are the best and cutest little brother, I'm so glad you remember!" I shout happily and stand up too. I grab his little hand and look into his eyes.
"Let's go kill these demons and go home. We can make paper planes when we get back."

"I would like that very much. Lets go!" Mui runs off and I follow.

Mui and I make it to a small hut with an upper moon in it andbhe attempts to kill a swordsmith but I intervene.

"No!" I yell as I cut down the demon as it tries to dissappear into the pot underneath it.

Uppermoon five. Gyokko..

Gyokko is grotesque humanoid figure with an upper torso that has no arms and he has multiple baby-like hands that go along his back. Gyokko's face is just even more distorted. Large green mouths displace the position of where you would expect eyes, and his actual eyes are located very oddly on his face; one eye appearing in the constantly open bottom mouth and the other is seated at the center of his forehead. 

Gyokko appears in a second pot in the room and I destroy it.

"Hey! Stop that!" Gyokko yells at me.

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