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"It's good to see you Senjuro, how are you doing?" Isay as I look at the younger kyojuro.

"I'm better knowing that you're okay, (name)-nee-chan." He says as he sits on the chair next to me. Kyojuro walks in and sits on my bed.

"Told you he wanted to see you." Kyojuro laughs as he pats my leg. I laugh with him and soon senjuro joins in too. "Oh, senjuro, didn't you have something for (name)?" Kyojuro asks.

"Yes, uhh (name) I made you some food to feel better, it's (f/f), aniki tells me it's your favourite. I hope you like it." Senjuro pulls out a bag and places it on his lap, he pulls out a rather large container thing and hands it to me. I try to get the lid off but my grip strength still hasn't come back to me.

"Kyo, can you help me open this. My arms are too weak." I ask and he leans over to pop the lid off. The instant smell of my favourite food floats up to my nose and my eyes light up at the sight of it.

"Thank you senjuro! You're so sweet!" I shout as I begin to eat a bit and my mouth dances with flavours. I put it to the side and put the lid on, I don't press it down so I can still open it for later.

"When Aniki told me what happened I got so sad, even he was all gloomy for the two months you were in a coma. But we are both so glad that you're okay now." Senjuro tells me with a saddened expression on his adorable little face.

"It's okay now, no need to be sad, I am alive and doing well. Have you read any good books lately? I know you love to read." I ask and he nods his little head.

"Yes, this one!" He pulls it out from behind him and shows it to me. "This one, i have already read it and liked it so much that im reading it again. I could lend it to you if you want." Senjuro hands me the book and i read the back of it to see what its about.

"It looks great, ill give it a go. Thank you." I say with a smile as I pat his head.

They stay and chat for a while but leave not long after due to Senjuro needing to finish up some chores around the house and so Kyojuro walked him back because he is so cutely overprotective of his little brother. I begin reading the book and get about a third of the way through before feeling tired once more.

I yawn as I continued to read the book I had in my hand, eyes feeling a bit drowsy as I grew a bit bored and more exhausted since the book was rather long.

“(N-Name)...” the mention of my name made my ears perk up in the slightest. I look up from the page, only to be met with the most humble looking brown eyes that were owned by no other than Amanda.

I quickly and softly shut the book I was reading and set it aside, my eyes widening as I saw the tears that were rolling down the girl’s cheeks. “Amanda..? What’s wrong?” I quickly ask, growing worried for my soon to be Tsuguko.

“I-I was worried...b-because I thought..I thought-..” I quickly pulled her in for a hug, letting her sob into my chest as she cried, my worries melting away as I knew why she was upset.

"It's's okay..I'm still here." I pull away from hugging her and sit her down on the chair beside me.

"I heard you were awake yesterday but i was going off on a mission so i didnt have time to come see you. I wanted to properly thank you for saving me that time." She stands up from her chair and bows to me. "Thank you so much!" I smile at her.

The Withering Flower {Rengoku Kyojuro X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now