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“WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!” Me and Kyojuro quickly broke away from each other as soon as we heard Sanemi’s loud screech from the doorway, eyes bewildered at the scene laid out in front of him. I hid my face away in shame in my palms, dipping myself more into the water as Kyojuro could only form his lips into a thin line, a blush still on his cheeks.

Sanemi hurled a pebble right at Kyojuro, it landing squarely on his forehead as he grunted.

“I SAW EVERYTHING!!!” He had screeched, stomping out of the bathroom as he let out a loud yell, still screaming as birds fluttered about. I feel myself shake with humiliation as me and Kyojuro kept a good distance away from each other, reminiscing about whatever was going on.

“I SAID YOU COULD BE HER BOYFRIEND! NOT DO IT WITH HER THE NEXT MORNING!!YOU TOUCH HER LIKE THAT IN THIS HOUSEHOLD I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU!!!” And thus, Kyojuro was now seen in the patio, butt naked as he ran away from the outraged Sanemi with his soaking wet clothes in his arms, making me sigh since I was now dried up and dressed in a yukata, still not daring to meet Sanemi in the eyes. I run to my room and close the door, locking it as well, and crawling into my wardrobe so he doesn't find me.

'Wait no! I should have left the door unlocked so it looks like I'm not in here! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot!' I mentally scream at myself and pull at my hair.

I hear heavy footsteps coming to my door, the door doesn't slide open until sanemi uses all his strength to break the lock, forcing open the door. I hear him groan and I cover my mouth as I try not to make my breathing sound excessively loud.

"Where are y-! oh no, why is the window open?" He says to himself angrily. I hear his footsteps get quieter until I can no longer hear them so I silently crawl out of the wardrobe and close the door behind me. I look over at the window and it's closed.

Wait...! My eyes widen upon realisation.


"Aak-!" Sanemi had tricked me, he was right behind me and grabbed at the back of my yukata with his hand, lifting me so my face looks at his.

"I want to have a talk with you." He says through his teeth. "Now!" He drops me to the floor and I slowly get up and follow him to the kitchen. I sit down opposite of him and wait for the lecture to begin.

Some time passes...slowly...and my hour and a half long lecture about random shitnhas finally come to an end. Honestly, sanemi is like a dad, treating me like a child that can't do anything.


Months pass and my leg has healed up nicely, kyojuro still needs to rest but I'm free to go on small missions on my own now. And that's what I'm doing now, walking to my next mission. But I'm not alone, a lower ranked demon slayer is accompanying me. She's a few years younger than me but she reminds me of someone I know, I can't put my finger on it but I know it.

"Not far now, the village should be just over this hill." I tell the young girl and she nods at me.

"I never caught your name." I say out of the blue, feeling a bit rude.

"Oh, it's Amanda! I already know who you are, my crow told me!" Amanda smiled brightly at me.

"I love that name." I smile back at her.

Night time falls upon us as we walk over the hill and to the small village. We walk past houses, no lights are on and everything is dead silent, not a good sign.

All is quiet until we hear a feminine scream in the distance. Rushing towards the commotion, we find a demon holding the head of a woman, her body limp as the demon attempts to crush her skull in its hand. Blood pools around the body from huge open wounds on her body and the smell of all the blood makes me sick.

The Withering Flower {Rengoku Kyojuro X Reader}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang