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After Tanjiro cuts the demons head off he turns around to see Nezuko sitting up and rubbing her face.

"Nezuko run! Hide! Go find shade!" Tanjiro tells at her to get her to move but she reaches for the demon behind Tanjiro, the one he supposedly killed. It continues to stand and take a few steps after being decapitated and begins to chase after some swordsmiths.

"Tanjiro leave Nezuko! She is special! She will be okay! Trust me! That's not the real head, the real one is in the heart of the demon you just cut up!" I shout down the cliff so tanjiro goes after the other demon. He only looks up at me with worry and I understand how he feels. He is risking sacrificing his little sister to the sun to save a couple swordsmiths.

"It's something only you have the courage to do, Tanjiro! That's what makes you so strong! She will be okay!" I plead for him to move and go after the other demon but he doesn't and nezuko's face starts to burn from the sunlight. It's not even up all the way and it's doing so much damage to her already.

I can't get down the cliff and help, it's too high. If I were to jump off I would surely break my legs and possibly just kill myself and it's too slow for me to just climb down, I am no use up here.

"Hang on! What if..." I tell myself as I pull out my weapon and examine it. The chain connecting the two sickles is long. I look over the cliff and see a few sturdy trees poking out.

I stand up and spin one end of my kusarigama in my hand and mui grabs my arm.

"What are you doing?" He looks over the cliff and it clicks in his head. "No! You'll get hurt, if you fall from this height it could kill you!" Muì pulls me back from the edge and I crouch down to his level and pat his head.

"Just trust me, okay?" And I gently push him into genya to distract him while I run and jump off the cliff, throwing throwing sickle at a tree sticking out of the cliff. 

"(Name)! No!" Mui shouts from the top of the cliff.

The sickle twists around the tree and I swing underneath it, I unhook it and throw it at another tree, doing the same as the first time.

"Yeah!!" I shout with glee, having found a new cool trick.

'I feel like spider-man!' I laugh to myself and latch onto the last tree. As I swing off it and unlatch my sickle from its bark I do a small flip and land gracefully on the ground.

I run over to the siblings and pull nezuko close to me and place my soft hand on Tanjiros cheek. "It's okay, save the swordsmiths, I have Nezuko, it's okay, she will be alright." A tear falls from his eye and he gets up with a small nod as he stares at the ground. He turns on his toes and disappears faster than I have even seen him go before.

"Hey Nezuko. You doing okay there?" She nods as she continues to burn in front of me, a tear or two falls down my cheeks and I feel bad for not being able to help her much but I shield her as much as possible from the sun, not doing much since I dont wear a haori or something similar to help hide her from the sun.
"I'm sorry! I know it hurts, I can't do much. I'm so sorry!" I close my eyes and cry out as I hold her close to me, my back to the sun. I know she will make it and conquer the sun but it still hurts to see her in pain.

And finally, it happens, the burning of flesh stops and she regrows new, clean skin. She sits up in my arms and cups my face, I open my eyes and see her smiling at me, her bamboo muzzle falling around her neck.

"M-m-morning." She says. My eyes widen and more tears fall. The first time she has ever spoken to me other than little hums from behind the muzzle.

The Withering Flower {Rengoku Kyojuro X Reader}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant