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“Well.. she looks quite beautiful even under the dim lighting, what a shame..” said the same sadistic voice, and I tried my best not to shiver at the feeling of a sharp fan being scraped against my jaw.

But.. as soon as I felt nails starting to dig into my neck— I jumped up and punched the demon in the face, glad my reflexes were working okay.

I froze as soon as I was met with the most beautiful and hypnotic pare of rainbow coloured eyes, wondering how a demon could own such pretty eyes.

“Mou! That hurt a lot, you know?!” said the demon, and I irked as I land a kick successfully on his abdomen, throwing him back a bit in the small room.

‘No... why did it have to be an upper moon..’ I grew a bit worried and anxious as I felt myself being watched more carefully now, feeling as if he could even read my mind.

“Well... if you want to play dirty, let’s go ahead and start our game!~” I blink in confusion, parting my lips to speak— but before I could even breathe, he had knocked all the wind in my lungs out as he landed a harsh punch, knocking me right out the window.

I shut my eyes as I landed harshly onto the concrete, rolling back to my feet as the adrenaline was slowly starting to pump in my veins, warming me up as I wiped some blood off my lips.

I quickly unsheathed my blade as I saw him charge at me from above, having the most psychotic smile edged on his lips, fangs showing as if he was trying to intimidate me more than I already was.

“Whats your name? You seem quite young, specially to be doing quite well against an upper moon!” he exclaimed, and I pursed my lips as I told myself not to talk to this demon. He was dangerous, and the wrong words could get me killed in an instance.

“Oh? Not even a ‘hello, how are you doing?’?! You’re worse then Akaza-dono!” he had said after I stayed silent, eyes glaring at his own - which sparkled under the moonlight.

I took a deep breath, silently starting my total concentration breathing, already feeling the adrenaline pumping through my blood.

Something about his eyes… they seemed to look at my soul. Capturing it in his sharp nails. I have a feeling I’ve been in this scenario before… but when could it have been?

“You must be infatuated by my beauty, hm?” he suddenly says, fanning himself with his dangerous looking fan that he held ever so delicately in his pale hand. I blinked, pursing my lips together before I shook my head, still trying to not speak to him.

‘How can I get around him without him killing me?’ i silently sighed, looking up at the moon as it shone. I couldn’t help but smile at myself, the moonlight always comforted me in some way.

It glowed so brightly tonight too. The stars couldn’t even compare at this point. As if it was guiding me…

‘Wait a minute…’ my eyes widen as I stare at the specific angle it shone. Shining ever so brightly on his eyes, which were reflecting the light as if he were a cat.

‘His eyes… I must start by his eyes?’ I questioned the feeling in my gut, but decided to do it anyways. Doma quirked one of his eyebrows up, as if wondering what I was planning.

“Ara? And what is it you’re gonna d—“

I took no time in unsheathing my blade and cutting his eyes right in half. It was a gory scene, but I didn’t care. I had to survive as long as I could.

The Withering Flower {Rengoku Kyojuro X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now