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I forgot about the other demon, there were two in the movie, it had completely slipped my mind.

I raced after Kyo with the three boys not far behind.

"There's one more, come with me!" Kyo calls to us.

Kyojuro stands, waiting for all the people to run out of the carriage with a stern look upon his gradient face. We all pile into the carriage and stand behind Kyojuro, I notice a man on the left but also behind the demon trying to hide himself, but to no avail. The demon has seen him and advances for the man but it stops it's next move when it hears Kyojuro's voice.

"You will not lay a finger on that man!" He yells, I step back, ready to pounce to the man and take him from the demon. The demon lifts it's head slowly and glances at Kyojuro and Tanjiro and Inosuke bare their swords at the demon as the stand in front of kyojuro.

"Didn't you hear me? I said I'm your opponent." Rengoku smiles enthusiasticly.

Zenitsu whimpers behind a chair. "What the hell is it? It's got long arms!"

He was correct, it had obnoxiously long arms and proped itself up on the carriage chairs to make itself look bigger.

Inosuke shouts at it and charges head on at the demon. Tanjiro tries to keep him back but Inosuke being a stubborn ass doesn't listen to anything and continues to do whatever he does best.

"We gotta save the passenger first!" I yell at Inosuke and jump over the seats quickly and grab the man, he was lighter than he looks. Inosuke says some more stupid shit and I ignore him, knowing Kyo will save his stupid ass.

Inosuke jumps at the demon and attempts to slash at it's arms but it was too quick and blocked his attacks so Kyojuro dashes into the fight and pulls Inosuke out of it before he can be harmed. I was still in place with the man in my arms, looking for an opening to jump to safety but Kyojuro pops up before me and grabs both me and the man I'm holding and zips us to the start of the carriage.

"K-kyojuro!" I shout.

"Don't worry, I'll make this quick and we can go sit back down." He smiles down at me and pats my head.

"You'll be save in the back of the train, go on." He tells the man and he sprints out the door.

Kyojuro turned back to the demon, giving it his full attention. Kyojuro dashes forward at an immense speed with his hand on the hilt of his sword and gets under the demon, unleashing an attack.

He crouches down and draws his sword upwards swiftly at the demons neck, severing it completely.

"Rising scorching sun!"

"His second form..." I was awestruck, it was so mesmerising to watch.

The demon tumbled to the ground And within seconds was reduced to nothing.

"Tha...tha...THAT WAS AWESOME, BRO! TALK ABOUT BRILLIANT SWORD SKILLS, MAN! PLEASE MAKE ME YOUR APPRENTICE!" Tanjiro yells with pure excitement radiating from him that Zenitsu and Inosuke are doing the same.

"Fine by me! I'll make a fine swordsman out of you!" Kyojuro seems so happy, the smile on his face looks like a genuine one and doesn't look forced one bit, I couldn't even help but smile, it was so cute.

"Me too, please!" Zenitsu shrieks with his high pitched voice.

"Me three!" Inosuke yells, ah yes, well I'm glad Inosuke can count to three.

"I'll train all of you!" Kyojuro bellows and the three boys surround him with so much joy that it looks like they're flying.

"Big bro Rengoku!" All three of them chant and circle Kyojuro. All this makes me wonder, they're such children, how could they be out here killing demons and risking their lives for the things they have already lost, they should be living their lives with happiness, all free from the worries of demons.

The Withering Flower {Rengoku Kyojuro X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now