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"H-how...?". I was taken aback by his words. How did he know? How could he know? I have never said anything to anyone. Did I slip up, was i mumbling in my sleep? How did this happen?

"I can see things, you're different from us, not physically but mentally. You know of wonders we could only dream of knowing of. So...why are you here?" Master Ubuyashiki asks with his gentle smile gracing his lips.

I feel compelled to tell him everything. Should I do it. Should I risk being frowned upon in this lifetime. Should I really do it.

I take a deep breath, collecting enough air to completely fill my lungs and expand my tummy and I hold my breath for a brief period of time. Then slowly, I let it all go. Everything since the night I was hit and killed until now. It all came spilling out of my mouth and I couldn't stop.

It just felt so right to tell him of everything that happened to me and all he did was sit in silence giving me a small smile as he let me spill everything to him. I finally felt like people were going to start listening and understanding me more.

Once I finish narrating my journey here I go silent.

"I see, your time from then is quite odd and more advanced, there must be a reason why you came here and I'm certain you will figure it out. But I must ask... do you want to be here? Do you want to stay here, in this time?" He asks from his heart.

Unsure of how to respond, I just sit there for a second, until an image crosses my mind.

Kyojuro. The person I adore the most. The person I know Actually cares for me. Sanemi is next, I read and watched how cruel and heartless he acted in the other time, but here, he treats me with suck kindness, even though i haven't touched him, and don't know how he feels about me, I just know he doesn't hate me.

Then Maya, the photo of her smiling on my phone from the other night, I miss her dearly but...she has other friends, people closer to her, I won't be missed.

My parents never cared, they were always out drinking and neglecting me, even if they told me they loved me, I knew they didn't care one bit.

The next thing wakes me up, all those times I had dreamed of being here, all those times I dreamed of saving the people that were unsaveable. All those times I dreamed of talking and laughing with the people here. It made me realise how lucky I really am right now, I will not let this opportunity go to waste before my very own eyes. I had my answer.

"Yes, I have only been her a few days, but I'm glad I'm here, I'm going to stay here because I want to make a difference and aid in the defeat of Muzan." I smile with determination.

He smiles back at me weakly and lifts his hand to my face, I take his hand and guide it to my cheek. He begins to gently feel around the side of my face, to paint a picture of me in his mind. His hand slowly creeps to my jawbone and neck and he pauses.

"There is a bandage there, are you hurt?" He asks calmly.

"No, no I'm not hurt, it feels fine, I encountered someone. . .and he inflicted this upon me, I didn't tell Kyojuro-kun or Sanemi-kun because I was afraid they would go after him and...and..." I couldn't finish my sentence, it hurts me to think of them being killed.

"I see...This man, did you catch his name." Oyakata-sama asks.

"Y-yes, his name is Kibutsuji Muzan." I confirm and Oyakata-sama pulls his eyebrows closer together.

"I understand you're sensitive about this but because that man has wounded you we must take precautions, if anything gets worse or you start to feel things, please, inform us immediately." He pleas as he clutches my small hands in his.

The Withering Flower {Rengoku Kyojuro X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now