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"Blood demon technique, Lotus ice." Douma slices both of his golden fans horizontally across himself, aiming to hurt shinobu and I. Shinobu backflips onto a wooden walkways behind her and out of harms way. For now.

I do the same and stand beside her, gritting me teeth at the sharp coldness in the air.

'So cold!! The air is cold enough to rip someone's lungs to shreds.' The thought, Loud enough for shinobu to hear.

"Hmm, you're really fast, huh. But it's too bad. You can't kill demons with just stabbing. It's the neck you really gotta go for. You should really take tips from this one, she went for my neck." He smiles sadisticly and gestures to me but my frown only grows.

"Well, I may not be able to kill you with stabbing. But how about poison?" Shinobu asks rhetoricly and sheaths her sword.

I swirl my kusarigama in my hands, waiting for the right moment, knowing that one wrong move could result in my instant death.

Suddenly douma falls onto his hands and knees vomiting blood up, that's my cue. With complete grace and silence, I make my way to douma, but not too close, I jump high with my weapon swinging.

Eighth form, primary gale slash.

Swinging my blades down, I grasp the middle of the chain and pull upwards, my sickles snapping down to douma's throat ready to slice his head off.

He's covering his mouth with his hand to stop blood from spilling but he senses my incoming attack and stumbles back out of the way. I land before him and hold both sickles in either hand at my sides. I stare down at him and wait for him to look up at me.

He finally does, he looks disgusting...his eye is surrounded with bulging veins, blood soaking his mouth and hand and his eyes are bloodshot.

"You'll get what you fucking deserve.." I mutter and try a horizontal slash with both sickles meeting in the middle, at his throat. Before that could even touch him though, he lifts both fans, his arms crossed to prevent me from touching him.

"It seems..I was able to decompose that silly little poison. Sorry about that. And I know you worked so ha-"

"DONT SPEAK TO HER!" My anger getting the better of me and I lash out, cutting off his words and kicking his chest, sending him backwards, landing in the water and lilies.

He stands, speaks again. "Ohh maan, this is so much fun! Getting attacked by poison is totally interesting! I might actually like it. Hey, do you think your next mi-"

"Can't you just shut up and die, how many times do I have to cut your silly voice off?" I snap.

His eyes widen at me and he smiles once again. "Your hair is quite lovely. I'd love to put your head in a pot, I'll make sure your hair stays beautiful." He chuckles.

"You're disgusting." I flinch. "Enough, let's get this over with." I dash at douma and unleash a flurry of attacks and he does the same, parrying each of my attacks.

Minutes pass and no one is getting anywhere, shinobu is sweating and panting, she won't get much further, she isn't cut out for this demon. She's stabbed him five times and I've managed to cut off his left hand and slice his legs, but that's it. He's landed a hit on my left thigh, blood slowly leaking from it, training down my leg.

I'm sweating also. Breathing getting heavy.

"That's because your lungs are dying hard, huh? A moment ago my blood demon art sucked your blood." Douma chuckles behind his fan.

"Shinobu, it's dangerous to breathe now, be careful, please." I plead with her.

"Then you have to be careful too." We nod at eachother and attack at the same time, I stand back and use the chains to throw my weapon and shinobu gets close.

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