Ch. 31

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Hey guys... lately Things for me have been sucking so please stop bothering me to update. I need this time to myself...

Anyways. Enjoy the chapter
"What does it look like I'm doing here? Let's have a chat, Jaeger." Floch said leaning against the doorway with his arm above his head. It was the last person Eren expected to see. He had lots of nerve showing up here... after what he did to Novia, he didn't deserve to still  be in the survey corps. Or In this town. On this earth.....breathing.

"Oh really? Because to me it looks like you want to get your ass beat......again..Get the fuck out of my face Floch."  Eren seethed with anger while simultaneously trying to slam his door. He was already over having to gaze at Floch's irritating expression.However, before he could successfully do so...Floch managed to put his foot in between the door, stopping it from fully shutting.

" might want to hear what I have to say..." He trailed, giving his usual cynical smile, resembling the one he revealed to Novia the night he slept with her.

"I don't want to hear any of your bullshit. Now seriously get the fuck out of he-"

"I know it was you that took my sheets and blankets." Floch interrupted with a tempting eyebrow raise.

Eren stood still a minute, processing all Floch's words. It was as if Floch was trying to challenge him in a way. Something about his physical stance appeared as if he had an upper hand. Eren was confused on why he could acknowledge this, hoping it was just a front he was putting he brushed off his inferential threat. "Okay...." Eren trailed unenthusiastically. "I wasn't hiding the fact it was me. What are you trying to get at?"

Floch kept his plastering smug, giving a little sigh before continuing. "Well.... after I clearly saw you take my stuff, I took it upon myself to follow set them up quite nicely in a random building.... and you brought some candles with you too...." He trailed, stopping to let all his observations sink into Eren's mind. "I'm sure you had a lot of fun tonight with a certain someone, am I right?"

Eren saw the glint of amusement in his eyes. He knew Floch was pushing for him to snap at any moment. Otherwise why bring this up here? Right now? What could he possibly have to gain from this pointless accusation....Eren knew if he opened his mouth to defend himself it would only lead to more violence and trouble on his end. It took everything within himself to remain cool and collected.

As he noticed Eren didn't take the bait, Floch changed the subject. "I have a question for you Eren, one I've been dying to find out from- well not just from you but everyone actually." Floch blinked a couple times correcting himself. He moved out of Eren's doorway, now glancing down at his feet, still an aura of amusement radiating throughout his entire body.

"What." Eren darkly mumbled.

"What is it about Novia Good that just drives everyone crazy? That's all I ever hear from idiots these days. I mean seriously what is it?? Is it her long brown hair? The dimples she has when she smiles? Cause if you ask me I'd say it's that sweet rack she ha-"

Eren took no time to eliminate the space in between them by grabbing Floch by the shirt and yanking at it hard. He punched Floch in the gut hard and he winced, strangely with a laugh following. "Don't talk about her like that." Eren spat, his firm grip tightening even more to the point the veins on his arms were very much visible.

"I knew you'd be easier to crack than I thought. Mad that I got to her first?" He laughed. Eren gave him a puzzled stare, confused on what his motives were. "What the fuck was your purpose in coming here? To solely piss me off? Because if it was, than you're more of an idiot than I thought."

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