Chapter 43

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Laila's POV
He gave me one of his shirts, and it may be something small, but it's definitely something that means a lot to me. I look up at him as he opens the bathroom door to head out, and give him a small smile.

As he exits the bathroom, I look at the mirror, seeing where there are clear handprints from him wiping at the mirror in attempt to make it clear enough to look through. I look at myself and instantly run my fingers through my damp hair, before grabbing a towel and wrapping my hair up in it so that it can dry a little bit more.

I walk back into our shared room, seeing Angelo seated on his couch and no sign of John B. After our conversation earlier, things between me and Angelo just feel awkward, but I'm definitely not going to say anything to him about it. I'm not a confrontational person, and I didn't take him to be one either.

"He went for a walk, just so you know." Angelo says to me, not making any sort of eye contact with me. I nod, and go through my bag to find the hairbrush I packed, and a cute beachy looking necklace that Payton had gotten for me. I struggle to put it on behind my head, but eventually get it.

It's odd that he just went for a walk without saying anything to me about it, but I'm not going to question it. After our moment in the shower, i've started to have second thoughts. As much as I enjoyed the moment, I'm not ready for those things just yet. I crave for them, but I just don't know him well enough. I have trust issues that I need to work on.

My phone dings, and I pull it out hoping that It's from John B, maybe with some sort of explanation.

Hey Lovebug, How are you holding up?
There's some news on your Dad, by the way. I will be calling Cassie around 8 tonight to talk with everyone.

I lock my phone without bothering to reply, wondering what the news could be. Did they find him? Did he do something else? Can we go home? Will we be here longer?

Not long after I received the texts, I hear Angelo's phone buzz and he looks at it, probably receiving the same text I did. He actually takes the time to type a response to whoever it was, and I finish brushing my hair and sit down on my bed.

I contemplate texting John B, but decide not to. He's probably just as used to being here as I am, which is not a lot. I want to make an attempt to get closer with Cassie, my grandma. Only thing that scares me with all of this is the way that I'm only a foster child.

That means I might not be here that long, as it's usually temporary. It scares me because I'm growing an attachment for John B, and I want some sort of relationship with Katie and Ron, and even Payton, whenever she decides to get over herself.

I walk to the smaller living room, where Cassie is sitting down watching the news. She looks at me and offers me a warm smile, and pats the cushion next to her on the couch for me to sit down. I take a seat next to her, and we begin exchanging conversation about random things such as favorite foods, and hobbies.

Every now and then when it gets silent, I look up to the TV at the news. Right now it's some story about a local gas station robbery that a teenager committed, and Cassie rolls her eyes and makes a comment on how stupid the teenager was to do something like that.

All of a sudden the screen flashes with a large blood title. Breaking news, Outer Banks, North Carolina. "Hey, look at that!" Cassie says, pointing at the screen displaying the island we all live on. I turn my eyes back to the screen and watch, as a reporter comes onto the screen.

"Reporting to you live from the Famous Outer Banks, I'm Madelyn Carter. Today we are learning updates on a murder that just occurred. A 16 year old tourist was found raped and murdered a few hours ago, and the suspect is in custody." The reporter says, and goes on to show pictures of the girl.

"That's so sad..." Cassie mumbles, shaking her head at the screen. My heart breaks for the poor girl, as I watch a slideshow of pictures plastered on the screen. "The suspect and alleged killer is a 49 year old male, by the name of Wesley Clark, who was just released from jail on illegal substance and child abuse charges."

As soon as I hear that, my vision goes black. My heart starts pounding, and I can feel the tears starting to flow. "Laila, what's wrong?" Cassie asks, standing up in front of me as I regain my vision. She then seems to realize what's going on.

I watch Angelo and Payton rush into here after hearing my cries, scrambling around to figure out what the issue is. Payton takes one look at the TV screen and then at me, and quickly realizes what the issue is. "Oh my god..." she says.

John B's POV

I walk up the driveway, after taking a walk to clear my head. I could tell Laila was extremely tense in the shower, and I felt like an absolute dick for it. She may have started it, but I should've known better.

I just want her to get to know me and to form more of a bond with me, and I'm worried like she felt that she had to do what she did. It's my goal to make her feel as safe and comfortable as I can, simply because I have some unknown urge to protect her and make sure there's nothing in the world that could possibly get to her or hurt her.

I twist the front door knob and walk in the door to complete chaos. Laila is clinging to Angelo for dear life, which makes me slightly jealous but somethings clearly going on that I missed. Cassie's on the phone with somebody, and Payton is just standing off to the side looking really concerned.

As soon as I walk in Payton leads me to her room and shuts the door, so that we're out of earshot. I look at her for an explanation, and she hands me her phone, which has a webpage of a news station at home. I read the headlines and gasp.

"Tourist in outer banks raped and stabbed to death 28 times by felon."

"That's not... Not who I think it was?" I ask, looking at the picture of a man who shows resemblance to Laila. Payton nods her head and sighs, running her hand through her hair.

"Well. I talked to my mom and we do get to come home tomorrow, he's in custody and will most likely be in jail for life now." Payton says, seeming excited. I know she's happy to go home, but it's not the time, and that's not the point.

I'm not exactly sure what to do in this moment, or how to comfort Laila. If her dad did that to a poor tourist on our island, there's no telling what he did to her as a child, and it explains why she is the way she is. It takes an absolute monster to do that to somebody.

A/N: Lust is being continued!!! I'll post the next chapter when this reaches 40 votes :)

Lust // John B // Outer banksWhere stories live. Discover now