Chapter 26

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John B's POV

I lay there holding her closely to me, on the verge of tears due to having such mixed emotions about this. I never want to let her go again, I feel partly at fault for this. She's so precious, this just isn't fair.

I almost feel partly guilty because it's possible I made her feel this way. She shifts in her sleep, and I just grip her tighter. I shouldn't have been so cold to her.

I struggle with being able to fall asleep for quite a while, but finally manage to. I didn't dream, not even close. It was a weird night, I usually dream or have a nightmare. I have almost every single night ever since I lost dad.

In the morning when I wake up, I scoot away from Laila and get up. I take a look at her bare body, in nothing but a bra and panties, and deeply inhale. She's hot, but at the same time I feel terrible because I didn't even offer a blanket or anything of that sort, she was probably cold last night, I don't give off that much heat.

I pop some toast into the toaster and head off to my room, and grab a blanket off the top of my bed. I bring it back to where Laila's laying on the couch from the night before, and drape it across her. She doesn't stir in the slightest, making me smile.

I was as her chest rises and falls for a few seconds, and then I get the toast and butter it. I made her a piece along with myself, but I'm not going to wake her up for it. We had a rough night and I'd rather just give her the time she needs to wake up.

I place the plate down on the counter and eat my slice, leaving hers on the plate even though she probably won't want cold toast when she wakes up. It's only around 6:45, but I woke up super early for some reason and decided to be productive.

Since it's so early, I decide I have nothing better to do than to just go back to sleep. I carefully lift up the blanket she's sleeping under, and snuggle up while wrapping my arms around her, being cautious of the bandages.

Laila's POV

I stir while I feel a sudden burst of warmth, and turn around to face an embarrassed looking John B trying to get back under the blanket with me. The blanket that I don't even know where it came from, because it sure wasn't here last night because I nearly froze, but I wanted to get the night over with because it wasn't a good one, not even close.

He gives me a small smile, and I can't tell if he's still a bit upset with me. I feel horrible that he had to see it, I even feel ashamed that I even did it. It backfired and blew up in my face, I'm never doing it again. I'm going to be strong and overcome whatever stupid feelings I'm feeling. Self harming isn't worth it.

My phone dings twice from across the house, and John B stands up to get it, but I beat him to it. I get up quickly and rush past him to grab it, leaving him looking disappointed. I read the notifications on my phone, having two texts from Topper asking where I'm at. My parents must not have told him what I told them.

I lock my phone and ignore his texts, walking back to where John B's standing, holding one of his shirts for me to wear. I take the shirt and slip it over my body as he watches, giving me all sorts of butterflies.

"Laila.. We need to talk-.." He says, being cut off by the abrupt ringing of my phone. I dread what he just said, hating when people say that. That's what my dad said when he was breaking the news that my literal fucking mother died.

I take my chance to put off having the conversation and answer the call, which was coming from Topper.
"Hello?" I ask, and he replies with a worried sounding hello, followed by him asking where i was.

"Your parents said you stayed with me and I went along with it, where the hell are you? Are you alright??" he asks, and I reply with the calmest tone that I can possibly produce while I walk out John B's front door and onto the porch, to avoid him hearing me. He'll be upset if he hears that it's Topper.

"I stayed with a girl named Alicia" I say shakily, making up a name and explaining to him that Ron and Katie didn't know her so I had to say I was staying with him so that they'd let me.

"Okay.. You don't sound alright. Come over soon please?" He asks, well, somewhat demands and I agree, because I can use him as an excuse to leave before John B tries to have an unwanted conversation with me.

I end the phone call and walk back inside to John B, who's waiting for me in the living room. "I'm sorry but I've got to go, Katie needs me home asap." I tell him, making him frown. "Can I give you a ride atleast?" He asks, and I shake my head negatively. His frown widens, and he goes into his room and brings me back my long sleeve shirt and leggings, and I excuse myself to his bathroom to change.

As soon as I put my clothes back on I nearly begin to sweat, it's hot but I did this to myself. I walk out of the bathroom and out of his house without making eye contact with him, and without saying a single word.

I walk to my neighborhood, and down Toppers street in it. He lives on the opposite side of my neighborhood, which is nice. It's convenient. I knock on his door and he lets me in, and he looks at me like I'm dumb for the clothes I'm wearing.

A/N ily all but please stop hounding me for updates, i'm working on it!! i'm only 15 and i just pretty much moved out of my family's house and in with my cousins who live at the beach, so i'm really busy!!

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