Author Note

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Hey guys, it's maddie :)

I didn't want to throw all of this at the bottom of a chapter because let's face it, most people don't read author notes, I mean shit, I don't really read them either.

I did want to post this to let you know that as of today, the book IS... being continued regularly!! I'm also going to be going through and editing some previous chapters and cleaning them up a little bit.

I know most of you are here for the book, not my personal life, but the past 6ish months I haven't been posting because I've had a lot going on, I'm only 16 and I started a new job after being caught sneaking out and have been dealing with a world of issues at home, but I'm back to put some time into this book.

With that being said, I did want to start something new with this book. I often face writers block, so if you guys DM me some ideas for future chapters or things/events you'd like to see in this story, please message them to me and I will incorporate them.

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