Chapter 39

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Laila's POV

I curl up to John B's side on the plane, traumatized from all the recent events. The fact that all of this has happened in the past few weeks is crazy, especially since my life used to be fairly calm. Now we're on our way further south to Georgia, to stay with Payton's grandparents.

Payton seems pretty pissed off towards me, and I could see why. I feel terrible about this whole thing but I also understand that it's out of my control. It's not completely my fault and I'm not going to solely blame it on myself. It's just an unfortunate situation that I happen to have gotten stuck in, and it wasn't my choice. I cant change it.

When the plane lands we get off on the private air strip, bringing our bags with us. Everybody but Payton has two bags, she brought four, so the copilot helps her bring her bags to her grandparents beat up looking minivan. For some reason I was expecting these people to be rich as well, but maybe not.

Technically, these are my grandparents too now, I've only talked to them on the phone and facetimed them a few times though. Mainly during the period of time that me and John B didn't talk, I haven't really spoken with them since. They seem very sweet and kind, and they're not that old either. They had Katie when they were 17 and a half, so it makes sense.

"Laila!!! Hi honey!!" Cassie says, walking towards me and giving me a big hug. She's even nicer seeming than she was over the phone, and she smells great too. She smells like vanilla, almost as if she's been baking something with vanilla extract in it. After the hug, I see Payton our of the corner of my eye, glaring because I got acknowledged before she did.

I instantly feel guilty, and greet Bob while she talks with Carrie.  I walk over to John B after he greets everybody, and wrap my arm around his, holding him close to me for comfort. We all get into the minivan, me and John B sitting in the back, and Payton and Angelo in the middle. We ride for about 20 minutes until we reach a small, crowded neighborhood.

We pull up to a one story small house, reminding me of what my best friend Cameron lives in back at home. It looks much similar, but with a different porch layout. We all get out with our bags, following Bob and Carrie inside. The house is neatly and cutely decorated, and actually spacious enough for six people to live in for god knows how long.

"There are two rooms for the four of you to stay in, split yourselves up however you're comfortable, just no goofy stuff." Bob says, and heads to the kitchen with Carrie. They seem distant from us, and that's just the type of people they seem to be. Which is actually kind of cool, I don't mind it.

"I don't care who rooms with me, but I want the room I usually stay in." Payton says, somewhat brattily and walks down a hallway, and we all leave our luggage in the living room and follow her. She walks into a room with a Queen bed and a very soft, sizeable, and cushioned couch. She sits down on the bed, sighing heavily. "The other room is down the hall on the right." She says, and I'm the first to leave her room to go seek it out.

Chances are, she'll probably end up forcing me to room with her, because she won't want to room with Anthony, despite the fact that right now I really need to just be with John B, because he keeps me down to earth and collected. I walk into the first door on the right, and it's a kind of big room with two twin beds on opposite walls, and a beanbag chair, another sizeable and comfy couch, and TV.

"I like this one.." John B says, as he enters the room, followed by Angelo. "Where do you want to stay?" I ask Angelo, and he shrugs. "You guys have a thing going so if you want me to share a room with the bitch in there, I will survive." He says, and I have to hold in a giggle because it's just wrong, and John B accidentally lets out a chuckle.

"I'll talk to her, stay in here." I tell them, and navigate my way back to Payton's room. She huffs and puffs when I walk in, and looks up at me from her phone. "Do you care if I share the other room with John B?" I ask her, and she rolls her eyes. "Actually, how about all three of you share the room?" She says, in a bitchy tone that makes me just wanna cry. The worst part, is that she was serious.

It's fine, it's fine. She probably hates me now but it's fine!! Amazing. All over something I can't control. I leave her room as quickly as possible and head back to where the three of us will be staying, and close the door behind us. John B instantly can tell something's up, and looks at me. "I'm assuming you'll be rooming with her in that case?" He says, and I speak.

"No, the three of us in here actually. I think she's mad at me." I say, and John B tries too be optimistic. "It's fine, there's plenty of room. A bed for each two of us and somebody can take the couch." He says, and tries to smile at me. I nod, just wanting the day to be over already. "I'll take the couch to make it easier.." Angelo mutters, as he goes ahead and plops down on the couch.

John B's POV

I look at her face, which has formed a frown and her whole vibe seems off, and I get it. There's no way I'd be happy if I were in her situation either, but my goal is to lighten the mood as much as possible, and keep her as far away from Payton as possible. "Here, Laila." I say to her, and stand up. "Which bed do you want?" I ask her, and she looks from wall to wall slowly.

"This one I guess." She says emotionlessly, and sits down on one of the twin beds closest to the door. I would offer to sleep with her, but with Angelo staying in here with us and with it being a twin bed, I don't want to overwhelm either of them in here. That would be rude I guess, I don't know. If she wants to and he's unbothered by it, I don't think I'd mind though.

She lays down and pulls the covers over her, facing the wall. Angelo just kind of watches her, and then looks at me with a concerned look on his face, and I shoot him a "idk either" type look back. It's obvious that she wants to be left alone at this point, so I'm gonna give her a little bit of space before I overwhelm her. I take a seat on my bed, and pull out my phone.

I pull up Payton's contact, and text her.

You need to chill out, you're making Laila feel like shit.

She reads my text almost immediately, and doesn't reply. I wait a few minutes, and still no reply. What a bitch. She can't put the blame on Laila, absolutely none of this is her fault. She can't help that her dad is insane and has it out for her, and if anything should be supportive. She was the one yelling at me for not knowing of Laila's situation in the beginning, and now she's the one mistreating Laila for something she shouldn't be.

Lust // John B // Outer banksOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz