Chapter 17

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  «Ècrire, c'est une façon de parler sans être interrompu. -Jules Renard»

«Writing is a way to talk without being interrupted»


Winter was around the corner. Vexatious winds whistled through the branches every morning. A leaden, misty atmosphere replaced the blue and joyous sky. The festivals and parties morphed into hot coffee dates and hangouts around the fireplaces. New winter trends arise. Faux fur coats and boots resurfaced.

I loved snow. It fascinated me how nature could forge different versions of itself. Although winter wasn't my favorite season anymore, I liked the coldness sipping through my clothes. My skin was fading when the rough breeze crushes on my face.

I watched a group of girls passed through the parking lot, laughing and exchanging stories. They waved at me, and I smiled back. I always envied people that had a big friend group. I guess it was because I never had the chance to experience it myself.

I rubbed my gloves together, brought them to my icy nose and peered through the packed parking lot. I shoot an invisible rock with my new Dr. Martens boots. The majority of students were in class; the campus was breezy and quiet. I never took my time to admire how magnificent the campus architecture was. Nothing has changed since I left, except the library that was more open and modern. Three big stories, mostly surrendered by giants windows pictures. A built-in skylight to introduce natural light and inspiration.

My phone vibrated, Chris's name popped into the screen.

"Right behind you."

Thin and scented fingers grabbed my shoulder, a horrendous screech escaped my lips. The owner of the awful hand laughed harshly.

"That was not funny." I poked him amusingly.

"You were so lost, I had to." He pulled me closer to him. I twirled my arms around his waist and sniffed his pleasant and lusty body odor.

"How are you doing, darling?"

"I have been better. And how are you been doing yourself?"

"I am doing great!"

"I am happy to hear that you are taking things gracefully." We finally break up our hug.

"But I am more interested in what has been happening in your life for you not to give me a call."

I grimaced and hid my face in his jacket.

"I am sorry, it's been a mess since we met last time."

"Do you want to walk and talk about it?" He proposed.

"Yes, Father," I twittered. He cringed, and I cackled. He passed his arms around my shoulder and mine around his hips.

We crossed the parking lot to the gate. Instantly, the black Rolls Royce entered and parked 6 feet in front of us. Julian and Juan came out of the car. Our eyes crossed. He knitted and lowered his eyebrows and fixed us. I ignored him and walked past them.

"That was Julian, right?" Chris asked me when we left their perimeter.

"The devil himself."

"He looked... bigger than I remembered." He recalled. "He is a giant now, holy mother."

He was indeed getting massive. It triggered me more that I never knew someone his height. He dominated everyone around him physically and powerfully—no wonder why someone was scared to confront him. Since I learned what he was capable of, I found myself unable to stare at him or talk to him. I convinced myself that I wasn't scared of him or his threats, but he made every bone in my body crack. He was a walking trigger warning in my eyes.

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