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A/N: Warning - BLOOD! Sorry if the scene about fainting or whatever is stupid, I tried to recollect how I felt when I went under anesthesia XD 

Izuku's POV

I am sorry, Alex. Deeply. 

I know I said some awful and untruthful things. But we are humans. And we all have sides we should stay away from; prejudices, influences, anger... but we can't. That's why we are humans. I grew up in a society where we had All Might. But I saw him fall. I saw the League murder and hurt people. In the middle of it all, Deku grew. In the middle of the mess our lives have been turning into ever since quirks appeared. And in such a world... kindness is like a four-leafed shamrock. Possible but rare. And with time, it only got rarer and rarer. 

And just like a four-leafed shamrock, you brought happiness in my life. A lot of it. Every day, every minute. So only the idea of the possibility you may be something else, something wicked and dreadful... made me turn into a monster. A monster which said all those awful things. Things I didn't mean. 

And now I am worried sick. I know how easily hurt you are.

Through the time we were together, I saw how vulnerable Alex is. Maybe it was little, the things I told just by the way, but it hurt her. She was emotional. It simply felt as if she tried to hide it all for too long and that it all gets to her twice as much now. She took everything personally and she didn't just feel with people - she felt for people as well. That's why my words which seemed meaningless at the moment got to her so badly. I only could've imagined what was going on through her head at the moment, how she felt. And even that was awful and I was scared of it. 

Please be safe. Don't do anything reckless. Not only because I feel awful...but because you are just too precious. 

My view fell onto the door frame in my hall. Even something so stupid seemed meaningless without Alex around. As a strong blow of wind messed my hair, I heard my keys fall down from the key-holder. I sighed and picked them up, putting them at their old place. A blue keyring popped up in front of me. As I saw it, an idea crossed my mind.

"Hatsume! Quick!" I shouted, picking up the keys and running out the doors. 

Alex's POV

I fidgeted my fingers behind my back. My hurt arm went numb but the other one began aching since it was tied for so long. I sighed and examined the look a bit. The boxes around me seemed to be soaked in coffee, since it smelled that way, but other than the trash the room was pretty much empty. The surprising thing is how expensive the alcohol bottles I saw there looked. Twice was in his corner, humming a song to himself. I don't know why, but I could somehow relate to him. I know I never had a split personality, but there was some shoved aside sorrow around him I knew way too well. Toga was in the other corner, smiling and frowning every few moments and playing with her knife. I enviously looked at a pack of cigarettes next to Dabi's coat. 

Speak of the devil...

He walked in quickly, only to slow down and look at me. I looked back at him, smiling. I enjoyed annoying him like this for some reason. He gave me a lazy but wicked smile and then sat down. My gaze trailed off to the cigarettes once again. He laughed.

"Oi, Toga, untie her. But Alex - no mischiefs! You'll pay for them", he said and broke the silence. 

I didn't need his warning to know I'm not to try to do anything. How can a girl who has never really faced a villain until now escape three of them, three that even Izuku couldn't defeat. Toga walked to me and I heard her shuffle behind my back. I felt my arm fall to the sides and saw the tape slide over to my feet. I moved the 'healthy' arm and frowned as I felt it tingle. 

No Regrets - Izuku Midoriya x OC (MHA/BNHA)Where stories live. Discover now