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Alex hasn't been away for more than a minute when my phone buzzes. I look at it immediately because it is quite a nice getaway from tedious small talk which took over our table.

As I unlock my phone I notice I have a new text from Alex. I feel severe heat raising on my face and I start cursing myself for I have certainly done something stupid which made Alex angry or uncomfortable. Why would he leave and text me otherwise? I open the text and before reading it, I look at guys sitting around me. They don't pay attention to me so I can safely read the text.

Al: el sorry for storming out i just needed some air

Me: i'm sorry al i should've told them we are on a date

Me: and you didn't storm out

Me: you excused yourself politely

I realise I really need some air, too. Not considering the possibility that meeting him outside this instant may be uncomfortable to Alex, I stand up and excuse myself just like he did. I leave the dim room without raising any suspicion and get outside through one of two heavy wings of glass and wooden door of the Puzzle Pizza.

I find Alex standing with his back to me just a few steps away. I come close to him silently.

"I need some air, too." I say and he hardly turns around as if he knew I was there the whole time. "But I am always afraid I am going to offend someone if I just leave."

"We haven't left... yet. They think we are in the restroom or summat."

"You're right. Let's stay here for a minute." We stay silent for some time, the silence suiting both of us. I guess we are both fed up by all the words of the outside world we have been facing this evening, even though we've been with Sue and Co. for less than five minutes.

"You know, El... You don't always have to be polite. Take care of yourself sometimes."

"I am not always polite. You are, though."

"I'm English. We look like we're being polite when we mean the opposite. We can't help it."

I smile and start slowly. "Well I usually sound impolite when I mean the opposite. I'm so awkward that..." I take a moment to sort the words out. "I just think it's better to keep silent most of times."

"It is better to keep silent most of times. But not cause you're awkward. People who like you won't ever think you inapproriate... No, keep silent because the world isn't worthy of your words. There is no point in talking if there's nobody to listen." His last words sound of bitterness strongly.

"But if you're silent you never find anybody who'd listen."

"Yeah..." Alex nods and looks like he's thinking hard about it. "Haven't figured out that part of the problem yet." He smirks tiredly. 

"We should go back." I say after a few seconds. 

"I say we pay for our pizzas and leave the rest to themselves."

I frown. What are we gonna say to get away?

"I don't know either. Let's just do it." Alex reads my mind apparently.

He holds the door open for me. We stop by the cash desk and pay before we go back to our booth. 

"Ummm guys." I try to get their attention and I succeed immediately. "We have to leave now."

"Oh man why? You are gonna spoil the fun!" Sue moans. I hear Alex cough from behind me which I guess is an attempt to hide a chuckle rather than a real cough. 

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