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"Hey lovely." A well known voice from behind my locker door greets me. I close the locker and find Alex lazily leaning on the next one with both his shoulder and even his head touching the cold metal door.

"Hi." I greet him back with a smile impossible to repress, which is now like his best friend to me - where's Alex, there's my smile present, too.

"I've some news." Alex smirks.

"Nice." I almost pat him on his shoulder. Nope. Don't do that.

"You remember how I said we should have one gig before Christmas?" I nod. "Well they rescheduled some gigs and... it's the 20th tomorrow, right? So we are playing tomorrow."

That's my birthday, how good does it get?!

"Awesome, where?"

"At the Boardwalk, naturally."

"So... May I come?"

"You have to come, like 'I'll-be-in-the-bloody-first-row' come, El." Alex answers rather seriously and almost hurt. He didn't get my sarcasm in asking - I asked because he hasn't told me to come, just informed me there'll be a gig.

"Of course I will." I smile lightly and give him a peck on his left cheek. "I'm gonna make a bloody banner!"

"A banner you say?" The cheeky bastard raises an eyebrow teasingly.

"Yeah I'm not telling what is going to be on it."

"Can't wait." He laughs.

Well I seriously feel like under pressure here. I guess I will need Olly and Adam's help.

I turn around and we start walking outside the school together. Alex walks me home some of these days and we sometimes even stop to have a sit and chat in Mortomley Park, even though it isn't that close to where he lives. I guess we are at the point when we can't get enough of each other's company to the point when I start ditch walks with Bree and Jude and he starts to spend less time on the Monkeys' music. However, the 505 - their shed where they usually meet up, is right next to Matt's house which is facing the Mortomley Park, and this fact makes both our consciousness fine at least on that point.

As we're walking hand in hand I take my phone out of my pocket and read out a word.


"I know that one." Alex scoffs proudly.

"Okay okay let me think." I frown.
Last week we came up with a word game - Alex uses his oxford dictionary, I use a random word generator in my phone, and we try to guess the meanings of the most random words we manage to come up with. Alex is the real master, of course.

"So I'd say it's an adjective, it might be representing a person... for example a person who is giving a sinister impression even in situations they don't really wish to give it might be ambisinister. Hm?" I look at Alex questioningly.

"Good try, but you're forgetting the original meaning of the word sinister."

"I'd say I don't even know it at the first place." I chuckle.

"Okay, so sinister means 'of or on the left side'. The meaning we use it for these days comes from the notion that left-handedness is unlucky, bad, tha knows. So. Ambisnister. Clumsy with both hands. Let me check." Alex takes his dictionary from his backpack to have a look.

"Of course you are right." I look at Alex. He just found the word and nods.
I giggle. "You're incredible."

Alex just lightly smiles. I continue. "And who'd expect something like this from a guy like you? With the band and everything? Not me."

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