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I greet Jude and get off the bus one stop earlier than I would if I was going home. Bree's home is just a few meters away. I knock at the door but before Bree can come to open it, I hear her brother's voice from behind my shoulder. Nick, was it? I guess he was on the same bus as me.

"Coming to see me sister?" He asks.

"Yeah. Could you tell her I'm here?"

Nick walks around me and smirks. "Why don't you just come inside?" He holds the door for me and I awkwardly sneak inside with Nick just a couple inches from me.

I don't look back and silently thank him.

I find Bree in her room snuggled into many colourful blankets on her bed. She's not crying but I can see her eyes are still red. I sit next to her and she even pulls out a slight smile.

"I guess I'm over him."


"He's done his job."

"What's happened?"

"I think... I think he should tell you." Bree is looking at her hands which are now caressing edge of a black blanket with white dots on it. "I shouldn't be the one getting him from his shite you know."

"I don't... I don't wanna hear about his shit, Bree." I say though the opposite is true. I have to remember I am here for Bree, not for satisfying my curiosity. "I wanna know why you cried."

"No, I made up my mind." Bree shakes her head slightly.

"Bree you called me seven times. There surely is stuff to talk about."

"I'd rather..."


"Okay, so Alex came to me outside school and we talked and... He doesn't like me, Elena. He never have and... I was angry at him, he was angry at himself as well but now I get him." She bursts out.

"Bree I don't understand."

"I can't tell you more I..."

"You promised him you're gonna keep your mouth shut or what?"

"No, no... If you are to know, you deserve him to tell you."

"Fuck it Bree what is going on?"

"Well um... He told me he is sorry for everything what happened between us, me and him."

"He came after... what... Two months? To tell you he is sorry?"

"Yeah." Bree nods.

"After two months?"


"Why now?"


"He didn't tell?"

"I guess he did but umm..." Bree is trying hard to find the right way to put it. I start to think that whatever she comes up witg, it's not going to be very sincere.

"Okay Bree leave it." I smile. I guess this is all I am going to get. She still looks like a wreck and I don't want to torture her.

"He just said he realised some... things. So he came."


We are silent for a few seconds with our minds busy about what just Bree said. Well, mainly about what she didn't say.



"Would you stay with me tonight?"

"You talking about a sleepover?" I ask and Bree smirks.


"Hell yeah!"

"Awesome." She smiles to herself. "I'll give you some pyjamas."

"Shouldn't I pop home to tell the guys I'm staying?"

"If you think you should... yeah sure."

"I'll be back in a few minutes."

"You better hurry before Nick eats all the popcorn I make!"

"What? There is gonna be food? I guess I don't have to go home after all..." I giggle.

"Awww youuuu. Go go go..." Her voice fades away as I'm running down the stairs.

I load my tote bag with as much random stuff as possible and also take a bag of crisps from kitchen. Adam seems quite excited I am leaving, it obviously gives impression I have a life or something. Or maybe I am getting on his nerves? Who knows?

Anyway, The Happy Adam gives me a few bags of Skittles from his not-so-secret stash of food. I manage to smuggle them out of the house without Olly noticing. Win win.

I get to Bree's again and we spend the whole evening talking about random stuff, playing random music on Spotify and watching random videos on YouTube. We laugh a lot, but from time to time I catch myself thinking about sadness in Bree's voice when she called me a few hours ago. I don't believe this is going to help much.

We finish the Friday (or should I say start the Saturday?) with Catching Fire. We are both well aware it isn't the happiest of them movies, but The Fault in Our Stars was the other option, and that would ruin both of us.

Sleepovers like this one usually contain a few hours of talking in dark but we are so exhausted the talking is not happening today. We fall asleep at three o'clock and the first thing I think of when we wake up eight hours later is that I overslept Alex's guitar lesson which takes place at the Taylors' household every Saturday. I mentally congratulate myself I am no longer in danger of meeting him.

Yeah, congratulate. I am dying to know about everything Bree didn't tell me but I am afraid of talking to him more than ever.

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