Aliens of London

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The Doctor POV

The TARDIS appeared back to Powell Estate so Rose could visit. "How long have I been gone?" she asked. "About twelve hours," I shouldn't have been offended when she turned to Ivy to check, although Ivy was distracted by something, but I was. "Oh. Right, I won't be long. I just want to see my mum," Rose said.

"What're you going to tell her?"

"I don't know. I've been to the year 5 billion and only been gone, what, twelve hours? No, I'll just tell her I spent the night at Shareen's. See you later. Oh, don't you disappear," she said and left. Ivy looked up confused, "Rose just left to see her mother," I told her.

"Um, hate to tell you this, but its 2006, not 2005," she said. My eyes widened and I ran out with Ivy, who was holding Teddy, and Padfoot behind me. We get to Rose's place and run in, "It's not twelve hours, it's twelve months. You've been gone a whole year. Sorry," I said.

Then a policeman was called and sat across from us. "The hours I've sat here, days and weeks and months, all on my own. I thought you were dead, and where were you? Travelling. What the hell does that mean, travelling? That's no sort of answer. You ask her. She won't tell me. That's all she says. Travelling," Jackie ranted.

"That's what I was doing," Rose mumbled.

"When your passport's still in the drawer? It's just one lie after another,"

"I meant to phone. I really did. I just forgot,"

"What, for a year? You forgot for a year? And I am left sitting here. I just don't believe you. Why won't you tell me where you've been?"

"Actually, it's my fault. I sort of er, employed Rose as my companion," I spoke up.

"When you say companion, is this a sexual relationship?" the policeman asked. "No," came from both Rose and I almost immediately. "If anything is going to be a relationship like that it would be between those two," Rose pointed at Ivy and I. We both blushed, and Teddy giggled. "And they even have a little child! I bet it was taken from his parents gimme the boy!" Jackie demanded reaching for Teddy who was hiding against Ivy. Padfoot made his appearance and growled as Ivy said in a low tone, "Do. Not. Touch. My. Son," and Jackie paled. "How do I know that he's yours?" Jackie questioned again and the policeman was watching with intrigue wanting to know too. "He is my godson who I adopted. His parents had been murdered when he was a couple months old. I saw the bodies, I saw it happen, I screamed and I cried realizing Teddy's father, the last connection I had to my parents, that might I mention also were killed when I was one, was gone, and Teddy like me would not have parents. So I did my godmother duties and adopted him and raised him as his grandmother couldn't with her depression. Do you want to know anything else?" Ivy rambled to Jackie, she shook her head no and Ivy sat back down with the scared toddler hanging on to her like a lifeline.

Jackie then turned back to Rose and I, "Then what is it? Because you, you waltz in here all charm and smiles, and the next thing I know, she vanishes off the face of the Earth! How old are you then? And how is old is she? What, did you find them both on the internet? Did you go online and pretend you're a doctor?"

"I am a Doctor," I said, a bit offended.

"Prove it. Stitch this, mate!" she raised her hand to slap me only for a pale hand belonging to somebody who used her fast reflexes, to stop her. "Didn't you flirt with him when we first here?" Ivy said. Jackie stuttered out an answer, "Okay then, I know you are a mother who was worried over her child, I would be the same if it was Teddy. But you need to know both sides," Rose and I saw her pull out her wand out of Jackie and the policeman's view, "Rose met us in a situation and we got along rather well, she wanted to go on a trip so we offered for her to come with. She had lost her phone and could not remember your number that is why she did not call you," Ivy finished and put her wand away. Jackie nodded accepting the explanation, "Slight compulsion it won't cause any damage what so ever to her," Ivy said quietly to Rose who nodded and relaxed a bit. She had learned her mistake with the TARDIS after Ivy and I would continue talking in French, so she knew now Ivy does things for a reason, such as making Jackie relax and not question them farther about where Rose has been.

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