Planet of the Ood

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(Am I the only one that finds Ood strangely adorable unless they were previously named Halpen?)

Donna decided to go with Ivy to drop of Teddy at Hogwarts. After the rush of Pompeii, they all decided to rest for a bit. Everyone watched the woman again, as she was being followed by her two youngest pups. "Do they just stare? Are we going to have to deal with this when we go to school?" Eilam asked.

"Yes, do as you please with them," Ivy told him and the two shared a smirk.

"Didn't you say the snake statues come to life if you order them in parseltongue?" Elysium asked, an idea coming to mind.

"Really?" Donna asked.

"They do, if one of you gets into Slytherin then go for it. I don't know how prejudice they will act with you two being halfbloods but from what your brother has told me..." Ivy trailed off, all of them getting the point. Teddy wore a satisfied smirk on his face; his mom suggested taking metamorphmagus lessons with her and his mama to work on changing his features. He had scared a few bullies by looking like he was dead and suddenly started talking to them screaming "YOU DID THIS!"

Teddy had spotted a few friends and hugged his mom, siblings, and Donna and left. He ran off with a little blonde girl who's father looked familiar, "Bill?"

The ginger man looked at her, "Ivy, hi," and hugged her.

"Ivy!" came the voice of Fleur and the two hugged.

"It seems my son is friends with your daughter," Ivy noticed.

Bill's eyes widened, "That was Teddy?"

"Who're these two?" Fleur asked seeing the brown and green eyes looking up at her.

"My birth children, Elysium and Eilam," she introduced the twins, "This is Bill and Fleur, Bill is Fred and George's oldest brothers," she said to the twins. Fred and George had told the twins about their siblings and knew the oldest two brothers were the only ones worth talking too. Percy may have been forgiven, but he hasn't made much of an effort.

"You've seen the twins, I don't see them so much nowadays," Bill said.

"Because they're avoiding your parents," Ivy said. She checked her phone and noticed it was a message from her impatient husband. "We have to go, my husband is impatient," she said.

"What's new?" Donna sassed. The twins snickered as Ivy rolled her eyes.

"Why doesn't your husband show up?" Bill asked.

Ivy thought for a second, but Elysium spoke up, "Daddy is a busy man that can't stand still, but he did say good luck to Teddy," then she looked back at Ivy, "Mommy, can we visit Damian and Susan soon?"

"Yeah! Can we?" Eilam asked.

"Who—?" Bill started to ask.

"Susan is my stepdaughter and Damian is her son. If you tease me about being a grandmother, I will hex your balls off and your daughter will be an only child," Ivy threatened Bill. Fleur raised an eyebrow but knew she couldn't do anything unless Ivy actually did it. The two families waved goodbye to Teddy and Victoire, Bill and Fleur's daughter.

Ivy, Donna, and the twins exited King's Cross and snuck back into the TARDIS and found the Doctor already running around with Loki and Luna watching. Loki, noticing us walk in, said, "Pansy and Harold are on Midgard now, we found you guys and decided to tag along."

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