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I was texting on my phone with another person that I surprisingly had become friends with, and another person I took a death date from, when the Doctor spoke up, "Just one trip, that's what we had agreed on first but you reacted well and passed some tests, so Martha, want to be our new companion?" he asked. I looked up, wanting to know the answer.

"Okay," Martha answered with a smile.

"So we went to the past, how about the future," I suggested.

"No complaints from me," Martha said.

"Can we be dropped off?" Susan asked. They wanted to spend time with the Avengers, maybe she'll meet her, I knew she was with the Weasley Twins.

"Year five billion and fifty-three, planet New earth. Second hope of mankind. Fifty thousand light years from your old world, and we're slap bang in the middle of New New York. Although, technically it's the fifteenth New York from the original, so it's New New New New New New New New New New New New New New York. One of the most dazzling cities ever built," the Doctor explained. "Nope," Teddy said and pulled the twins out with him.

"What?" the Doctor asked.

"After what happened the last time we were here, I'm not taking chances with having to use a portkey AGAIN," Teddy argued. The Doctor shrugged and we went out the TARDIS, we were in a narrow alleyway, and it was raining, "Oh, that's nice. Time Lord version of dazzling," Martha sassed.

"Nah, bit of rain never hurt anyone. Come on, let's go under cover!" the Doctor ushered us both under cover.

"Well, it looks like the same old Earth to me, on a Wednesday afternoon," Martha commented at our surroundings.

"Hold on, hold on. Let's have a look," the Doctor said. He used his sonic to get a monitor working and we see a woman on the monitor, "And the driving should be clear and easy, with fifteen extra lanes open for the New New Jersey expressway," they said. We saw a lot of flying cars on the monitor.

"Oh, that's more like it. That's the view we had last time. This must be the lower levels, down in the base of the tower. Some sort of under-city," I said.

"You've brought me to the slums?" Martha asked.

"Much more interesting. It's all cocktails and glitter up there. This is the real city," the Doctor said.

"You'd enjoy anything," Martha said.

"Something's more than others," I gave Ivy a wink and she wacked me in the side and Martha smiled. "Oh the rain's stopped. Better and better."

"When you say last time, was that you guys and Rose?" Martha asked. We both nodded, "You're taking me to the same planets that you took her?" she questioned. "Martha, it's just a coincidence, besides we're in a different part of New New York," I spoke up, and she nodded. I knew she didn't want to feel like a replacement.

Some hatches began to open, the ones who sell emotions, "Oh! You should have said. How long you been there? Happy. You want Happy."

"Customers. Customers! We've got customers!" another one calls out, I think he sold anger.

"We're in business. Mother, open up the Mellow, and the Read," the Mellow seller spoke up.

"Happy, Happy, lovely happy, Happy!" the Happy seller cheers.

"Anger. Buy some Anger!" the anger seller yells.

"Get some Mellow. Makes you feel all bendy and soft all day long."

The Doctor and The Deathly Witch {DW/HP}Where stories live. Discover now