| Chapter 38 - Go Go |

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Cyrene's POV

I feel warm and comforted - the hard bed felt good as my knees were cradled. Wait knees cradled? Opening my eyes I recognise that I am now facing the back of the couch. Voices start to come to my ears as a become more aware of my surroundings. As I sit up I realise I am straddling someone, leaning back it comes to my attention Jin is looking at me with concerned eyes.

"Ah!" I yell jumping off Jin and landing hard on the floor, his eyes coming out to try and catch me. I rub my now sore tailbone, trying my best to piece together how the hell I got in this position. Looking around all 7 members were holding similar looks to Jin. 'What the hell is happening' I ask rubbing my eyes again. 

'Are you okay bub?' Taehyung comes over to me in an overly sweet voice. I tilt my head confused by histone but he instantly relaxes noticing my returned state. I am still confused by his behaviour and look down to what I am wearing. I freak out internally as I put the pieces together - these are my special pants for when I - the small glimpses of memory come to me as I realise I fell into little space in front of all the members. I instantly cover my face as it becomes extrememly red.

"Okay she remembers," Yoongi giggles as he sees my ears and cheeks go red as a tomato. 

"Please tell me I didn't" I nearly feel tears spring to my eyes from embarrassment and the fact they had to take care of THEIR bodyguard. "I'm sorry for the hassle that I caused you" Still covering my face Taehyung sits next to me before dragging and putting me in his lap.

"Don't apologise, people cope in different ways  and I'm just glad Jin was there when you were experiencing that night tremor," Taehyung says his head on my shoulder, a soft hand strokes my hair and I realise it's Jin petting my head. I begin crying into my hands shaking as Taehyung wraps himself around me and whispering encouraging words in my ear. It truly felt like it was the first time I don't have to keep all my walls up and I could be myself - not  the tough work only Cyrene,  but the weak - no normal goofy and often childish Cyrene.

Jimin comes over and also gives me a hug from the front placing a tender kiss on my forehead which unfortunately caused me to cry harding and eventually leading to an awkward group hug nevertheless all comments were sweet and comforting. Taehyung still clings to me delicately and I have to ask fully what happened as some of the memories are still blurred. One by one they remove themselves from the group hug and walk off to do some kind of work leaving me with just Taehyung, still seated on his lap.

"Um- Taehyung?" 

"Yes baby" I feel a faint blush on my cheeks at the endearing name I guess he picked up from last night, which he just coos at making it worse.

"SO... what actually happened - everything is kind of in a blur," It was his turn to go red as he figures out the best explanation to explain that I had indecently exposed myself to him. "So I'm guessing you're the one that put the pants on me," I see his adams apple bob up and down slowly as he swallows, he nods ever so slightly avoiding eye contact due to his embarrassment, "But I also know that I hate pants so I'm guessing something happened," He nods again and I just cover my face, poor Taehyung.

"It's okay you weren't you," I turn to look at him and I can feel his breathe on mine, he looks away breaking the eye contact, "You were you but it was like you as if you were a child so I didn't think of you that way - I wouldn't be able to it would feel wrong," Feeling so understood I quickly turn and hug him. He is surprised at first but quickly hugs me back.

"Thank you for helping me" I say pulling away. Our faces are close again our noses barely touching. He looks at my lips and I look at his, we look to each other as if asking 'do we want to continue' I lean in to say yes but its as if water is poured onto him. He turns his head but still grips onto my waist. I notice he's biting his lip.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2021 ⏰

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