| Chapter 11 ~ Boy Meets Evil |

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Cyrene's POV
    Looking down at my phone I knew something was wrong, there was still a man hidden and he was talking through a walkie talkie. But more so, there in his hand lay a handgun.

     I leave the group as they looked stunned. I walk quickly I notice a lights panel from around the corner. I switch the light off, 'huh,' I hear his voice say, I notice a box, allowing me to just make the lowered ceiling. I jump and land directly on him disarming him and slightly injuring him. He turns to me and runs out into the middle of the corridor, without though I jump and launch myself forward kicking him, he flies forward where I see the rest of the group, he lays there and I see him try to get up so with a quick sprint I launch myself putting the flying momentum into my elbow, it satisfyingly hits his head, knocking him out.
Namjoon's POV
     'How did you know where they were? No other person has even come close to passing that test,' we were sitting in the car, travelling to a disclosed location, for CJ's interrogation, she leans over, her auburn hair slightly drifting down, cascading her face, undeniablely she was beautiful.
    'This,' she pulls it from her phone case and shows me a small black device, 'this taps into a majority of security systems and relays it to your phone, it only has a distance of 100 k's so far, but I'm working on it,' she smiles placing the device wait.

     'You're working on it?' I look into her deep blue eyes. She nods, her slight curls bouncing.

    'My uncle and I, we also did some experimentation, fiddled around with some tech,' she smiles softly looking at the device in her hands fidling with it, 'Camera systems seemed to be similar throughout so it was universal, for where I was anyway but when I got to the house, it was different,'

    'You hacked into our surveillance system?' I laugh as she turns to me with a smile that reaches her eyes, the blue orbs trapping me.

     'Of course Joonie oppa, I'm your body guard I need access to the surveillance, so it's on my laptop now,' I laugh at the nickname.

     'Joonie oppa?' I smirk raising an eyebrow, she nods, 'I'm still suprised you invented this, I mean it would have to be detailed,'

    'Actually not really see the coding process starts off as usual...,' she spoke but I could no longer hear, the passion, strength and delicacy captured within the structure of her face like a picture in a museum, woah, 'So there's not too much too it,' she smiles and nods. We pull up to the curb and notice a building not too far from BigHit Entertainment.

     I see her go quiet, as if she shedded her skin, the fun and loveable vibe replaced by an icy heart with no mercy.


Cyrene's POV

I walked around the table, looking at the man who held the gun, 'So you're obviously the one in control of this little possy,' I speak coldly as he says nothing, 'Do you know it's illegal here to carry a weapon without license and can you cause you to become homeless or spend the next 20 years of your life in jail,' I overexaggerated and saw the obvious response as his body flinched to my cold words.

'But,' I tease out, I walk around the table facing towards him him, placing my hands on the metal table, 'That won't happen if you tell little ol me who you are working for,' I smirk and notice his body shift. Do I really gotta do this. I seductively start to walk over and notice his body posture completely change, maybe this would be easier than I thought.

'w-what are you doing?' his voice stutters as I sit on his lap, his hands still cuffed behind him, I tussle my hair and bit my lip slightly.

'Oh sugar I don't want to prosecute you, if you just tell me,' I lean in closer and whisper in his ear, 'Later we can have some real fun,' I wrap my arm around his neck.

'W-w-well we knew they were going to rock up because of this group chat, and basically we all despise BTS, so we're were going to scare them,' He composes him self and tries to sound sexy, 'Why would someone as marvellous as you work for them?' I smile and get off his lap grabbing his phone in the process.

'That's very simple, because I'm their ARMY,' he looks shocked as I walk out, his phone now visibly in my hand. I turn to see the rest leaning over slightly, towards the two-way mirror, they turn to me impressed, surprised, confused, 'You have to take them to authorities, I will download his phone info now and look through it later, I need a drink,' I plug in a silver device into the phone and wait three seconds, I grab it and walk out. The soft air caressed my tired face, looking down I notice my sports gear, I needed to do a run anyway

Namjoon's POV

'Why did she do that? like there's other methods of interrogation,' Jimin whined out.

'Because she could obviously tell the effect she had on him,' Yoongi replied, we walked into the front door and I instantly went to the second floor, starving to eat, the life drained by the stressful unfoldings. Why was it always us that is persecuted? even with success we still get the hate I smile however thinking of ARMY now defending us.

'What the,' I stop midsentence, as I see a slightly sweaty Cyrene, sitting in a chair, wiggling slightly while drinking banana milk. not another one. 'I thought you said you were getting a drink?'

'What do you think I'm doing?' She smirks back at me, but then focuses on drinking her milk, she wiggles again, her small hands cupping the carton while she drinks readily through the straw, her body swivelling on the chair as she drinks, 'By the way if you're still confused milk is my favourite drink of all time,' she says triumphantly, 'And banana is my favourite, so for me milk is my happy juice, hence my silly happy dance,' she exaggerates the movements but then continues.

She gets up and goes to leave, but I grab her wrist softly, 'Where are you going?' She smiles softly to me and I look into her warm blue eyes.

'My special spot, do you care to join me?'


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