Anonymous Girl Promo 2

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Her eyes remained fixed outside. Not that the scenario was really soothing one rather a dreadful one. How deceptive life could be?

Nothing new scenario she was watching. The same and monotonous actions of people carrying injured ones in stretchers. Someone coughed from the bed right next to hers and   Mr Mellows although not mentally stable, gives her hopes of finding the light. This man is a concentration camp survivor, and one who survives that us like reborn again or getting a new life...and ragged as God's favourites because very few are able to survive that.

While she was busy in her thoughts, the diary was still in her hand, a diary that she wanted to read since her childhood but never could due to the linguistic barrier. When everyone left her, she was left with this. "Lily there is someone to meet you," said the nurse of the health camp which surprised her because her father died when she was 5 and her Mother and Grandpa also left her recently.

Entered a brown lad who looked rich and well furnished in cream coloured shirt and brown pants with brown suspenders. He simply handed her the paper,....she knows this letter and the traumatized girl looked at him with hopes. "You....? " And gestured at her diary. There was no need for each other's introduction although they meet for the first time.

He sat beside her and took the diary from her hand, "this is a story of a little girl, whose life was just like you, full of hardships unless she found her guiding angel and they both fought all odds....ready to be on this journey".

Finally, someone was here who would read ut for her.

He looked at the nurse and smiled. His main motive was to divert her from the trauma through the story...the story with which she will be able to relate, from which she will learn something, a story of a strong girl by listening to which she will try to mould herself like her...

Because the doctors clearly said to him all she needed was an inspiration... A perfect idol...and children are best-paved through stories and this will teach her different struggles and how to face them

He opened the diary and read the first page


What is their relation?
Why was he there?
What was in the paper?
Why was there no need to introduce each other even after the first meet?

Some questions still remain unanswered

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