16. Sense of humour!

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Work of flashbacks.....


"A person like Krystal deserve that, I don't know how many people in the company are looking forward to her leaving, her attitude is so trash, this time Director Jeon has finally helped everyone get rid of her."

Chungha continued with happily as you smiled "Chungha, i don't care whether Krystal stays or leaves, I only care about the proposal that will be handed over tomorrow."

you don't like to talk behind people's backs and you also knew that the workplace was never as simple as what it seems, there were traps everywhere and it was hard to determine when a trap is approaching. The more you talk the higher the risk of you getting into trouble and you understood this.

During three years, you maintained a good relationship with colleagues but it was all just superficial, they were never really that close, if you talk other's ... there's more out of people who talk about you behind your back.

Soobin rushed over "Y/n, how is the preparation of the draft of your business plan.?"

Mr. Choi is younger than you with some months but he's smart enough to be department head, he's strict person "I'll put in more effort, I'm sure I'll be able to finish it by tomorrow."

"There's not much time left manager Bang of star glow corporation is going to come city tonight, if he doesn't see your business plan before he leaves, there will be no chance for this project."

you bit your lower lips, somehow nervous "Manager, I will try my best to deliver this proposal today."

Soobin glanced at the time "If you need help, ask Chungha and Jisung to tell you, manager Bang will take the flight at 8 o'clock in the evening and will leave for airport before 7 o'clock from his office, you can rush to hand him the documents before then."

You nodded "Okay."
Three days was a short enough period of time and now it has been shortened to a half days, the pressure has just doubled in an instant but you didn't retreat. In your opinion no task is impossible, there were only people who didn't work hard enough.

This time, since it had been Manager Bang of Star Glow corporation who appointed you to be in charge of the proposal and you had no reason to not deliver.


You were busy until noon and didn't even have time to drink water, when jungkook called, you hung up after a few perfunctory replies.

You're exhausted by the afternoon and Chungha served you a cup of instant coffee, Fortunately your hard work paid off before 5 o'clock in the afternoon, you finally finished the first draft of the proposal although you were not fully satisfied but it was still acceptable.

After saying goodbye to Soobin, you left the company early and rushed to star Glow corporation to look for general manager Bang Su-hyuk. when you arrived, manager Bang's attitude towards you was more enthusiastic than ever before, he... not only praised you for preparing the plan well but also took the opportunity to compliment you on various things.

Mr. Bang decided to let you take charge of star Glow corporation project and his sudden change in attitude towards you made you a little worried about SM corp. behind Bang. If you had really been so important to the person at SM Corp. the incident would  never have happened to begin with after thinking about this, you felt relieved again. It was not easy to get away from Manager Bang, SM is one of the biggest corporation in Seoul, they transferred it to Paris to work.

The Jeon family as the founders of Hybe corporation were really the one at the top of the pyramid even the SM and imperial families which were among the best in the country were worth less than one tenth of that the Jeon family. The Jeon family was famous, they were rich but still kept a low profile, especially the current leader if the Jeon family, Jeon Jeongguk was so stealthy that he never showed up in the media, all people knew was that he officially took over Hybe corporation at the age of 22 after a few years, he had become a business legend achieving more than many people would never achieve in their lifetime, so the Star Glow corporation was one of their best performance in the year but many people don't know about it, just known by a people who are deep into business and corporation.

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